Pierrette BOUILLON

Department of Translation Technology

Full Professor
Head of the TIM Department
Telephone: +41 (0)22 37 98701
Office: 6272 - UNI MAIL

Pierrette Bouillon has been Professor at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (FTI), University of Geneva since 2007. She is currently Director of the Department of Translation Technology (referred to by its French acronym TIM) and Dean of the FTI. She has numerous publications in the fields of natural language processing, particularly within lexical semantics (Generative lexicon theory), speech-to-speech machine translation for limited domains and pre-edition and post-edition of machine translation, and more recently in accessibility. In the past, she participated in different EU projects (EAGLES/ISLE, MULTEXT, etc.) and was lead for three Swiss projects in speech translation in the medical domain: MEDSLT 1 and 2 (offering a system for spoken language translation of dialogues in the medical domain) and REGULUS (a platform for controlled spoken dialog application) and two projects in computer assisted language learning with speech recognition: CALL-SLT 1 (a generic platform for CALL based on speech translation) and CALL-SLT 2 (designing and evaluating spoken dialogue based CALL systems). She also coordinated the European ACCEPT project (Automated Community Content Editing PorTal) and co-coordinated the “Swiss Research Center Barrier-free communication” with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), as well as the project BabelDr with the HUG (Geneva University Hospitals). At present, she leads the Swiss component of the PROPICTO project (French acronym standing for “PRojection du langage Oral vers des unités PICTOgraphiques”), funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), the PASSAGE project (Subtitling of Swiss German into Standard German) funded by IMI, and the UNI-ACCESS project (Accessibility of University Websites) funded by Swissuniversities.

Publications in the Open Archives

The list of publications below may not be exhaustive. For a full list of publications, please contact the person concerned.