boldface = Plant Nutrition and Development lab members
- L. Jacquier, C. Fiorenza, K. Robe, JP. Han, F. Cléard, C. Fuchs, P. Ramakrishna, S. Loubéry, L. Lefebvre-Legendre, M. Barberon (2024). "Directional Cell-to-cell Transport in Plant Roots" Biorxiv
- L. Hyvärinen, C. Fuchs, A. Utz-Pugin, K. Gully, C. Megies, J. Holbein, M. Iwasaki, L. Demonsais, MB. Capitão, M. Barberon, R. Franke, C. Nawrath, S. Loubéry, L. Lopez-Molina (2024). "Temperature-dependent polar lignification of a seed coat suberin layer promoting dormancy in Arabidopsis thaliana" Biorxiv
- Lu, HP., Q. Gao, JP. Han, XH. Guo, Q. Wang, I. Altosaar, M. Barberon, JX. Liu, AMR.Gatehouse, Qy. Shu (2022). "An ABA-serotonin module regulates root suberization and salinity tolerance" New Phytologist: volume 23, Issue 3
- De Bellis, D., L. Kalmbach, P. Marhavy, J. Daraspe, N. Geldner, M. Barberon (2022). "Extracellular vesiculo-tubular structures associated with suberin deposition in plant cell walls" Nature Communications: volume 13, 1489
- Shukla, V., JP. Han, F. Cléard, L. Lefebvre-Legendre, K. Gully, P. Flis, A. Berhin, T. Grube Andersen,D. E Salt, C. Nawrath, M. Barberon (2021). "Suberin plasticity to developmental and exogenous cues is regulated by a set of MYB transcription factors" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (39) e2101730118
- Robe, K., G. Conejero, F. Gao, L. Lefebvre-Legendre, E. Sylvestre-Gonon, V. Rofidal, S. Hem, N. Rouhier, M. Barberon, A. Hecker, F. Gaymard, E. Izquierdo and C. Dubos (2021). “Coumarin accumulation and trafficking in Arabidopsis thaliana: a complex and dynamic process.” New Phytol, 229: 2062-2079
- Hohmann, U., P. Ramakrishna, K. Wang, L. Lorenzo-Orts, J. Nicolet, A. Henschen, M. Barberon, M. Bayer and M. Hothorn (2020). "Constitutive activation of leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase signaling pathways by BAK1-interacting receptor-like kinase 3 chimera." The Plant Cell: tpc.00138.02020.
- Fujita, S., D. De Bellis, K. H. Edel, P. Köster, T. G. Andersen, E. Schmid-Siegert, V. Dénervaud Tendon, A. Pfister, P. Marhavý, R. Ursache, V. G. Doblas, M. Barberon, J. Daraspe, A. Creff, G. Ingram, J. Kudla and N. Geldner (2020). "SCHENGEN receptor module drives localized ROS production and lignification in plant roots." The EMBO Journal 39(9): e103894.
- Champeyroux, C., J. Bellati, M. Barberon, V. Rofidal, C. Maurel and V. Santoni (2019). "Regulation of a plant aquaporin by a Casparian strip membrane domain protein-like." Plant, Cell & Environment 42(6): 1788-1801.
- Wang, P., M. Calvo-Polanco, G. Reyt, M. Barberon, C. Champeyroux, V. Santoni, C. Maurel, R. B. Franke, K. Ljung, O. Novak, N. Geldner, Y. Boursiac and D. E. Salt (2019). "Surveillance of cell wall diffusion barrier integrity modulates water and solute transport in plants." Scientific Reports 9(1): 4227.
- Kalmbach, L., K. Hématy, D. De Bellis, M. Barberon, S. Fujita, R. Ursache, J. Daraspe and N. Geldner (2017). "Transient cell-specific EXO70A1 activity in the CASP domain and Casparian strip localization." Nature Plants 3(5): 17058.
- Doblas, V. G., E. Smakowska-Luzan, S. Fujita, J. Alassimone, M. Barberon, M. Madalinski, Y. Belkhadir and N. Geldner (2017). "Root diffusion barrier control by a vasculature-derived peptide binding to the SGN3 receptor." Science 355(6322): 280-284
- Alassimone, J., S. Fujita, V. G. Doblas, M. van Dop, M. Barberon, L. Kalmbach, J. E. M. Vermeer, N. Rojas-Murcia, L. Santuari, C. S. Hardtke and N. Geldner (2016). "Polarly localized kinase SGN1 is required for Casparian strip integrity and positioning." Nature Plants 2(8): 16113.
- Barberon, M., J. E. M. Vermeer, D. De Bellis, P. Wang, S. Naseer, Tonni G. Andersen, Bruno M. Humbel, C. Nawrath, J. Takano, David E. Salt and N. Geldner (2016). "Adaptation of Root Function by Nutrient-Induced Plasticity of Endodermal Differentiation." Cell 164(3): 447-459.
- Marquès-Bueno, M. M., A. K. Morao, A. Cayrel, M. P. Platre, M. Barberon, E. Caillieux, V. Colot, Y. Jaillais, F. Roudier and G. Vert (2016). "A versatile Multisite Gateway-compatible promoter and transgenic line collection for cell type-specific functional genomics in Arabidopsis." The Plant Journal 85(2): 320-333.
- Pfister, A., M. Barberon, J. Alassimone, L. Kalmbach, Y. Lee, J. E. M. Vermeer, M. Yamazaki, G. Li, C. Maurel, J. Takano, T. Kamiya, D. E. Salt, D. Roppolo and N. Geldner (2014). "A receptor-like kinase mutant with absent endodermal diffusion barrier displays selective nutrient homeostasis defects." eLife 3: e03115-e03115.
- Barberon, M., G. Dubeaux, C. Kolb, E. Isono, E. Zelazny and G. Vert (2014). "Polarization of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1 (IRT1) to the plant-soil interface plays crucial role in metal homeostasis." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(22): 8293-8298.
- Vermeer, J. E. M., D. von Wangenheim, M. Barberon, Y. Lee, E. H. K. Stelzer, A. Maizel and N. Geldner (2014). "A Spatial Accommodation by Neighboring Cells Is Required for Organ Initiation in Arabidopsis." Science 343(6167): 178-183.
- Barberon, M., E. Zelazny, S. Robert, G. Conéjéro, C. Curie, J. Friml and G. Vert (2011). "Monoubiquitin-dependent endocytosis of the IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1 (IRT1) transporter controls iron uptake in plants." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(32): E450-E458.
- Sivitz, A., C. Grinvalds, M. Barberon, C. Curie and G. Vert (2011). "Proteasome-mediated turnover of the transcriptional activator FIT is required for plant iron-deficiency responses." The Plant Journal 66(6): 1044-1052.
- Vert, G., M. Barberon, E. Zelazny, M. Séguéla, J.-F. Briat and C. Curie (2009). "Arabidopsis IRT2 cooperates with the high-affinity iron uptake system to maintain iron homeostasis in root epidermal cells." Planta 229(6): 1171-1179.
- Barberon, M., P. Berthomieu, M. Clairotte, N. Shibagaki, J.-C. Davidian and F. Gosti (2008). "Unequal functional redundancy between the two Arabidopsis thaliana high-affinity sulphate transporters SULTR1;1 and SULTR1;2." New Phytologist 180(3): 608-619.