Parkinson’s Limits Ability to Read Emotions

Imagine talking to another person and realizing you couldn’t tell whether he was angry, sad, fearful or disgusted.

That describes the challenge of many people with Parkinson’s disease, a brain disorder that leads to tremors and slurred speech, and now also appears to impair a person’s ability to read the emotions of others.

In the March issue of Neuropsychology, scientists from the Harvard Medical School and Tufts University analyzed 34 different studies of 1,295 people, finding that people with Parkinson’s often have difficulty recognizing negative emotions in others.

In various studies, people with and without Parkinson’s were asked to look at a series of photos depicting different facial expressions or asked to listen to voices that conveyed different emotional states. In some studies, participants were asked to label what a facial expression suggested while in others they were asked to compare two expressions and distinguish between them.

Heather Gray, a psychiatry instructor at Harvard and lead author of the analysis, said in an e-mail message that people with Parkinson’s disease had trouble understanding all kinds of emotions but found it particularly difficult to make sense of negative emotions, including anger, disgust, fear and sadness.

Why the disease has this effect isn’t clear. Researchers speculate that Parkinson’s may take a bigger toll on certain neural circuits that are involved in recognizing negative emotions.

Parkinson’s disease occurs when nerve cells that produce dopamine are impaired or die. Dopamine is essential to coordinated body movement, and when dopamine-producing cells are damaged, the tremors, balance problems and other symptoms typical of Parkinson’s begin to appear.

A separate study led by French researchers suggests that one of the common treatments for Parkinson’s, deep brain stimulation, may exacerbate the emotion recognition problem. The study, also published in Neuropsychology, compared the ability to recognize facial emotions in 44 people with advanced Parkinson’s and 30 healthy control subjects. About half those with Parkinson’s had undergone implantation of stimulators, while the others were receiving drug treatment as they waited for the implant procedure. The brain stimulators are electrical devices that normalize the nerve signals that control movement.

Before implantation of the stimulators, all participants read facial expressions equally well. But three months after treatment, the patients with the stimulators were significantly worse at recognizing fear and sadness compared with the other patients who had advanced Parkinson’s or to the healthy controls. Patients with stimulators confused emotions, such as misreading anger as surprise. Sometimes they interpreted the expression of a negative emotion like fear or sadness to indicate no emotional response at all.

The findings that Parkinson’s affects a person’s ability to read another’s emotional state may have a significant impact on long-term health because it could lead to social isolation, said Dr. Gray.

“Over the long run, people who have trouble understanding others’ emotional states struggle to maintain healthy social relationships,’’ said Dr. Gray. “And that, we know, has significant health consequences.’’

The information is also important for family members and caregivers who spend time with someone who has Parkinson’s.  “It’s important to recognize that these communications difficulties might also be present,’’ she said. “Then, everyone can take steps to communicate more clearly and avoid a lot of frustration.’’

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Seems genuinely weird and physiologically improbable that Parkinson’s would effect ONLY perception of negative expressions of emotion. More likely that there is diminished recognition of ALL emotions, but the problematic ones are the negative displays. No issue when everybody’s happy, no? And study doesn’t seem to factor in that some emotional blindness is not uncommon among lots of people. Witness the pasted on grins of politicians who seem inured to negative vibes crowd or tough interview questions. [Think of Sarah Palin’s dopey deer-in-headlights look with Katie Couric.] Maybe Parkinson’s sufferers are just blessed cockeyed optimists? They wouldn’t be very good subjects for Reality TV cat fights. Lucky for them. Besides, Parkinson’s is an umbrella diagnosis with every case presenting it’s own range of symptoms — diminished emotional perception perhaps among them.

This is actually an unsurprising finding. Other labs have done small research studies that demonstrate that patients with PD do poorer on emotion recognition tests.

The major reason (a bit of hand waving) might have to do with the effects of PD itself. It is believed that part of our successful recognition of emotions comes from mirror neurons that mimic other peoples’ facial expressions on a micro scale. It is thought that we actually are making tiny muscle movements in our faces that correlate with the facial muscles of other people.

PD removes the ability to easily move these muscles. A common symptom of PD is “masked facis” or mask-like face. The face of a person with PD is not as expressive due to the lack of muscle movement, so even a funny joke or a profoundly touching story make not cause a smile or crinkling around the eyes.

Therefor, it stands to reason that this deficit in movement might play out as a deficit in mirror neuron target activation.

The flip side of this article, known for a long time but not mentioned here, is that it is difficult to read the emotional state of Parkinson’s patients. They have “masked facies” or in layman’s terms, an expressionless face.

It is already well known that Parkinson’s patients can have difficulty decoding emotional stimuli.

It is my hope that scientists will focus on the cure for this devastating neurological disease rather than waste their time on marginally useful studies like this one.

Thanks for this information. My mom has Parkinson’s, and we have been thinking about deep brain stimulation as an option as the medication ceases to be effective. Sometimes you don’t find out about these side effects until it is too late. I’m not sure if she would find it to be a deal-breaker, but it is something to consider.

I can’t wait to read all the comments coming in this thread. I’m bound to learn a lot for my own situation with my mother, who suffers from Parkinson’s.

In the 8 or so months since I took charge of Mom’s 24/7 care, I have developed a sixth sense about her abilities and disabilities, but it isn’t easy to communicate to others participating in her care. It’s almost an art form, and I find that my innate ability to empathize with others and observe behaviors is a gift in this capacity.

The most challenging aspect of helping and interacting with a Parkinson’s patient is that the effects are so selective and specific for the individual. Mom, who has a massive IQ, can no longer deal with a computer on her own, because when she should click X, she ALWAYS clicks Y, instead. It’s impossible and useless to try to teach her. Yet, she can write a perfectly picturesque and grammatically correct paragraph. She can detect my angst, through the implications of subtle actions, but she can’t interpret my facial expressions. She can turn the sharpest, wittiest phrase, but she usually cannot understand others’ ironic jokes. She can be uncannily and uncharacteristically creative (she was always brilliant, but not creative) one minute, and mentally rigid the next.

I see that she’s sometimes trapped in this confusing condition, but I can do a lot to liberate her, when I understand what she’s going through.

Looking forward to the comments to come!

Seachange is one of those clueless members of the public who believes that gee, if we only did research on just cures, everything would be peachy. Too bad the labs who would work on a cure aren’t the ones who would do this type of research. Too bad that while we’re searching for a cure, we’re trying to improve quality of life.

Parkinson’s is a truly heartbreaking disease. My father had PD; he passed away four years ago. The disease has many stages as it progresses and you are always going through a learning process to understand what’s happening “now”. Any insight at all to understanding PD is helpful when you’re caring for someone with the disease.

Dr. Meh:

If you use Google, you can easily find studies which state the same conclusion as the one which is summarized here.

Yes, if we cured these devastating diseases, things would be mighty peachy indeed.

Dr. Meh raises an interesting hypothesis, that because a person suffering from PD cannot mirror the face of another, they cannot mirror the emotion. I would love to know the correlation, if any…. perhaps a fruitful area for research!

Thank you for this. I have a dear friend with Parkinson’s, and it helps to know what may lie ahead for her. We respond subconsciously to facial expressions, and being armed with the knowledge that her perceptions and expressions of them may be stymied is really good information.

As a caregiver for my father, who lived with Parkinson’s for over 30 years – I think studies like this are crucial for informing caregivers, medical professionals and the general public about the nuanced challenges that people with Parkinson’s (and their loved ones) face. To say that this is a complex and multifaceted illness is an understatement as anyone who has spent significant time with people with Parkinson’s can attest.

Patience is the ultimate virtue – for every scientific discovery about emotional and cognitive capabilities that is put forth, there are countless things happening in your loved one’s head that no one will ever write about. Be there, be patient and be present. Things will change from day to day and flexibility and patience will be your best friends.

As for the neurological basis of the phenomenon above, I have no doubt that it’s mirror neurons at work. I think we’ll see a lot more of them and social neuroscience more generally as Parkinson’s research deepens.

Just wish to add that as a loving husband and caregiver
to my wife who has PD for 10+ years ,I have never noticed
this lack of emotional (negative or positive) reaction.
Parkinson’s disease presents a truly a unique set of
issues to each and every patient.
When my wife sees me looking sad ,she asks me “What’s
wrong”? so that alone must suffice for my non Scientific

Poppycock !
A clown & a smile or a person with a gun pointing at you will surely make different perceptions to any PwP.

Wish we had known about this during my father’s last years. He and my mothers’ relationship deteriorated badly due to his gambling and seemingly total lack of concern about her feelings. Shortly after he died we learned that his drive to gamble was a side effect of the drugs he was taking and now this. His last months were incredibly unhappy for all of us.

Well, Dr. Meh, America spends $200 Million a year on Parkinson’s research, and yet there has been no new treatment since levodopa was introduced half a century ago. The newer pills, the agonists etc., all still relate to levodopa. BUT, I was told not to eat pickled herring, because of a study that said pickled herring is bad for me. But more studies will be needed to determine if it is the pickling or the herring. Can we Parkies eat herrings if not pickled, or pickled if not fish? Many more years of research needed to determine that. Meanwhile, I continue to take my sinemet, Mirapex, and selegilene. But in defiance of the Parkinson’s Cartel, I eat pickled herring once a week. I really don’t like the stuff, but so what.

I wonder if it’s not the Parkinson’s but the medicine. My Mom is on Sinemet and this gives her mobility. It also gives her hallucinations, paranoia, and confusion. I would love to untangle her from her symptoms and make her day-to-day as pleasant as possible. Sigh…

Wesley (#6), what you had to say about your mother was as interesting as the article. Thank you for sharing your story. My parents both had P.D. and I now find myself looking back on the affection, good will, and good natured confusion of those years. They were sweet, funny, and much less worried about their children and grandchidren than they’d been when they were younger. Not being able to pick up on the nuances of other people’s expressions may have helped make them happier human beings. They were oblivious to subtly expressed trouble, I now realize, and it must have been only verbally transmitted information that clued these previously much more intuitive people into what was going on. In many ways this made things easier, for everyone involved. Not being worried over was wonderful, and I now get to realize that it wasn’t even a sign they didn’t care! A nice gift – your study, Professor Gray.

I have had Parkinson’s for 24 years. Reading Tara Parker-Pope’s, I felt that “the shoe doesn’t fit” I have an honours BA and an M.A. in history and taught high school
history in Ontario without a break for 31 years. .I have always
been able to “read” people and I and if anything coping
with Parkinson’s honed those skills.. I do concede that when beset with mobility problems on bad days, I don’t always act on my insights.. I’ve been lucky in having support and encouragement from friends, relatives, church parishoners and teaching colleagues. No two cases of Parkinson’s are alike. I have rigidity but not tremors. My wife, , son, 2 daughters and 2 sisters have been wonderful.. My wife Susan is loyal, practical and possessed of a sense of humor. I am blesseed among men!

No one seems to address the pain that some of the PD patients have: groin pain especially. Also the confusion and hallucinations. More should be done in those areas!

Yes, this is consistent with past findings. If you read closely, you’ll see that the first article mentioned is a review (or possibly meta-analysis) of 34 existing studies.

#17, in noting that he has had P.D. for 34 years, is definitely not a typical case, since the average course of the disease is 15 years, although that is particularly for those with elderly onset. What hasn’t been mentioned is the high degree of some level of Alzheimer’s Disease in many (not all- #17!) P.D. patients. It would be interesting to be certain that overall cognitive function was factored into the assessment of the ability of P.D. patients to “read” others.

#18 mentions hallucinations. That is acknowledged to be linked to the medications that patients take, I believe, and thankfully they are – although annoying – not of a frightening nature. In fact I have heard many P.D. patients speak with amusement about them, of even “going with it” and having enjoyed a brief “visit” from an old beloved friend or pet from childhood. That comes with the incredible grace that some develop in gradually accepting chronic illness, that is their gift to the rest of us – their caretakers and families.

Patience regarding the limitations imposed by P.D. is a truly admirable thing. So is the wish to fight, and not accept those limitations. P.D. patients will always have my utmost respect.

To # 15: One possible reason why you were advised not to eat pickled herring and similar foods is that they contain a lot of tyramine, which should be avoided by people of monoamine oxidase inhibitors such as selegiline.
On another note, one of the unfortunate things about illnesses such as Parkinson’s is that they have turned out to be a lot more complicated than most of us imagined. However, that’s no reason to stop trying to better understand PD.

#22, L.L., R.N.:

My Parkinson’s-afflicted mother has suffered from crazy dreams for a long time. We talk about them, and we both know the Parkinson’s dreams from the normal ones. As you said, people come to visit….everyone from a high school friend to James Madison has come to stare at her as she sleeps.

We find that she has scary hallucinations with too few meds, as well as too many PD meds. We’ve got her meds just about perfectly balanced and scheduled, so the dreams are at a place where she can “go with it,” as you say. Her neurologist prescribed 1/2 a seroquel in the evening, and this helps a whole lot.

Sure without my Sinemet,Requip & Comtan +Elderpryl
medications, I may be to ill to care about other’s emotions.
When I am “on” I am almost Psychic.
Something stinks of fish with these researchers.