Cyrille Gaudin - version juin 2023
Frameworks and Models
Teacher Education and Teacher Professional Development
A framework for planning and supporting work with classroom videos
Wyss, C., & Hüsler, N. (2023) Working with classroom video in teacher education. Analyzing a complex activity with a focus on non-cognitive processes. In P. Hohaus and J.-F. Heeren (eds.), The future of teacher education (pp. 46-72). Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV.
Teacher Education Via Video (TEVV) Framework
Gentile, M. (2019). Digital videos and teacher education: a research-training. In Beseda J., Rohlikova L., & Duffek V. (eds.). E-learning: Unlocking the Gate to Education around the Globe. Proceeding of the 14th conference reader, Prague: Center for Higher Education Studies. URL:
Video use in teacher education
Christ, T., Arya, P., & Chiu, M.M. (2017). Video use in teacher education: An international survey of practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 63, 22-35.
Arya, P., Christ, T., & Chiu, M.M. (2016). Video use in teacher education: a survey of teacher-educators’ practices across disciplines. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 28, 261-300.
Conceptualization of the Use of Video Viewing in Teacher Education and Professional Development
Gaudin, C., & Chaliès, S. (2015). Video viewing in teacher education and professional development: a literature review. Educational Research Review, 16, 41-67.
Model for Using Video for Teacher Learning
Santagata, R. (2014). Video and teacher learning: key questions, tools, and assessments guiding research and practice. Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung, 32(2) 196-209.
Visual Teacher Learning (VTL) Model
Brouwer, C. N. (2022). Using video to develop teaching. New York: Routledge.
Brouwer, C. N. (2011). Equipping teachers visually. Zoetermeer: Kennisnet.
Teacher Education
Principled Use of Video (PUV) Framework
Kang, H., & van Es, E.A. (2018). Articulating Design Principles for Productive Use of Video in Preservice Education. Journal of Teacher Education, 70, 237-250.
Research-Based Heuristics of Using Video in Pre-Service Teacher Education
Blomberg, G., Renkl, A., Sherin, M. G., Borko, H., & Seidel, T. (2013). Five research based heuristics for using video in pre-service teacher education. Journal for Educational Research Online, 5(1), 90-114.
Teacher Professional Development
Model of Effective Use of Video for Teacher Professional Development
Hin, B., Yung, W., Wing, V., Yip, Y.Y., Lai, C., & Yin, F. (2010). Towards a Model of Effective Use of Video for Teacher Professional Development. Paper presented at the The International Seminar, hosted by the national network of Science Learning Centres and University of York Science Education Group (UYSEG), York, U.K. URL:
A framework for planning and facilitating video-based professional development
Tekkumru-Kisa, M., & Stein, M. (2017). A framework for planning and facilitating video-based professional development. International Journal of STEM Education, 28(4).
Education subject
A Design Framework for Mathematics Teacher Educators
van Es, E., Tekkumru‐Kisa, M., & Seago, N. (2019). Leveraging the Power of Video for Teacher Learning: A Design Framework for Mathematics Teacher Educators. In S. Llinares and O. Chapman (eds.), International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education: Volume 2 (pp. 23-54). Leyde: Brill.
Framework for Analyzing Video in Science Teacher Education (FAVSTE)
Forsythe, M. E., Criswell, B. A., Arias, A. M., Ellis, J. A., Escalada, L., Johnson, H. J., Palmeri, A. B., Riccio, J., & Parker, M. E. (2022). The Framework for Analyzing Video in Science Teacher Education (FAVSTE). Journal of Science Teacher Education, 33(6), 621‑640.
Framework for Facilitation of Video-Based Discussion
van Es, E. A., Tunney, J., Goldsmith, L. T., & Seago, N. (2014). A Framework for the Facilitation of Teachers’ Analysis of Video. Journal of Teacher Education, 65(4), 340-356.
Training environment
Framework for Establishing a Positive Learning Atmosphere and Conversation Culture
Alles, M., Seidel, T., & Gröschner, A. (2019). Establishing a positive learning atmosphere and conversation culture in the context of a video-based teacher learning community. Professional Development in Education, 45, 250-263.
Collaborative Learning
Video-Based Collaborative Learning (VBCL)
Cattaneo, A.A., de Jong, F., Ramos, J.L., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Pedaste, M., Leijen, Ä., Evi‐Colombo, A., Monginho, R., Bent, M., Velasquez-Godinez, E., & Van Steenbergen, R. (2022). Video-based collaborative learning: a pedagogical model and instructional design tool emerging from an international multiple case study. European Journal of Teacher Education.
* En français