Poisson 2016  |  Geneva and Zurich

School June 27 - July 2  |  Conference July 4 - 8

Home School Conference Registration Practical issues


The conference will take place at ETH Zurich, Ramistrasse 101, Room HG G 5.

The registration will begin at 8:30 on Monday, July 4. The conference will end at lunchtime on Friday, July 8.

Tentative schedule:

Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Fri 8
9:00-9:50 registration at

opening at
van Straten Toën Vergne del Hoyo
10:00-10:50 Mnev Polterovich Safronov Cannas da Silva Weinstein
11:00-11:30 coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee
11:30-12:20 Etingof Sabatini Joyce Scott Getzler
12:30-14:00 lunch lunch lunch lunch lunch
14:00-14:50 Schedler Williams Ševera
15:00-15:30 coffee coffee free afternoon / excursion coffee
15:30-16:20 Yakimov Zhu Strobl
16:30-17:20 welcome reception at 17:00 Marcut conference dinner at 18:30