SEG, Society of Economic Geologists unesco SGA
(The course has already taken place.
See the list of attendees, photos and other documents in the central page of the UNESCO-SEG-SGA courses)

XXXIII Curso Latinoamericano de Metalogenia

XXXIII UNESCO-SEG-SGA Latin American Metallogeny Course - 2015


Carbonate hosted Zn-Pb sulphide ore zone, Morro Agudo


"Hydrothermal systems: a voyage from the source to the ore"

Campus of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP),
Campinas (São Paulo state), southern Brazil.

Theoretical sessions/Short Courses: July 1 to 4, 2015
Field trip: July 5 to 9, 2015


José Affonso Brod (Federal University of Goiás - Brazil)
Andreas Audétat (Bayerisches Geoinstitut - Germany)
Caetano Juliani (University of São Paulo - Brazil)
Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho (University of Campinas - Brazil)
Colombo Tassinari  (University of São Paulo - Brazil)
Craig Hart (University of British Columbia - Canada)
Elson P. de Oliveira (University of Campinas - Brazil)
Fernando Tornos (CSIC-CAB – Spain)
Lena Monteiro (University of São Paulo - Brazil)
Lydia Lobato (Federal University of Minas Gerais - Brazil)
Roberto P. Xavier (University of Campinas - Brazil)


THEORETICAL SESSIONS (July 1 to 4, 2015)

Theoretical background on hydrothermal ore-forming processes  (July 1st)

Hydrothermal fluids: how they form and evolve in the Earth’s crust.
Transport and deposition of metals by hydrothermal fluids.
Hydrothermal alteration and ore mineral assemblages: implications on fluid evolution and conditions of ore deposition.
Roberto P. Xavier, Fernando Tornos and Andreas Audétat.

Specific Mineral Systems in Cratons and Fold Belts (July 2nd)

Orogenic gold-only systems in granite-greenstone terranes; Lydia Lobato.
Intrusion-Related Gold Systems (IRGS); Craig Hart.
Precambrian Epithermal and porphyry systems; Caetano Juliani.
Ore-forming environments and processes in Iron Oxide – Copper – Gold (IOCG) systems; Roberto Xavier and Fernando Tornos.

Developments in Methods Applied to the Study of Mineral Deposits and Impacts on Exploration* (July 3rd)

Radiogenic isotopes applied to the study of ore-forming processes; Colombo Tassinari.
The application of fluid inclusions systematics to the understanding of ore-forming processes; Andreas Audétat.
Geotechnologies applied to mineral exploration; Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho.
Exploration Footprints of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits; Craig Hart.

* Applicants are entitled to attend two topics only.

São Francisco Craton and the Brasilia Belt: evolution and metallogeny (July 4th)

Main tectonic provinces in Brazil and associated metallogeny; Elson P. de Oliveira.
Gold and zinc-lead systems of the Brasilia Belt: the role of the Brasiliano tectonic event; Lena Monteiro.
Metallogeny of alkaline igneous systems: the Catalão and Araxá examples; José Affonso Brod.


POST-COURSE FIELD TRIP (July 5 to 9, 2015)

In this trip the following deposits/mines will be visited: (1) world class Nb – Phosphate Catalão mine (Anglo-American/Vale); (2) Morro do Ouro Au mine (Kinross); Vazante Zn silicate Mine and Zn-Pb sulphide prospects (Votorantim Metais).

Leaders: Maria José Mesquita (UNICAMP), Gustavo Melo (UNICAMP), Affonso Brod (UFG), Lena V.S. Monteiro (USP)

Transport during field trip will be done by rented bus.



English, Spanish or Portuguese, but slides used for the presentations will be in English. There will be no simultaneous translation.



These sessions will be held for 2 hours each day following the afternoon plenary talks. Participants of the course, particularly students, are highly encouraged to present a poster. Students with financial support from the event, on the other hand, are required to present a poster.



Theoretical-practical sessions – 70.

Field trip – 30.

Financial support for students in the theoretical sessions and field trip closed on March 23, 2015. Selected applicants are requested to present a poster during the venue.


COSTS (in Brazilian Reais)

SEG, SGA and SBG (Brazilian Geological Society) members R$ 1520,00
Other professionals R$ 2050,00
Graduate and post-graduate students and members of SEG, SGA and SBG (Brazilian Geological Society) R$ 655,00
Students with financial support Free of charge
Package includes transport by rented bus, room and board R$ 2050,00
Students with financial support R$ 580,00



Important – registration has been extended to May 31st 2015. Use the link for on line registration and payment. After filling out the registration form click on “Register”, then click on reprint billet to proceed with payment. National participants should choose the invoice option, whereas participants from abroad should use the credit card option.

Useful information concerning lodging, food and weather in Campinas, as well as ground and air transportation to and from Campinas can be found in the link xxxiii_slam_2015_welcome_to_campinas.

Email for additional information:



Roberto Perez Xavier – IG/UNICAMP – Chairman (


Fernando Tornos(CSIC-CAB – Spain)


Maria José Mesquita - IG/UNICAMP –
Carolina Moreto - IG/UNICAMP -
UNICAMP SEG Student Chapter – contact with Gustavo Melo -
Lena V. S. Monteiro – Igc/USP -
Caetano Juliani – Igc/USP -

Steering Committee of the Latin American Metallogeny UNESCO-SEG-SGA Courses

Dr Lluís Fontboté, Geneva University, Switzerland (Chair), Ing. José Arce (Lima, SEG Regional Vicepresident South America), Dr Fernando Tornos, Madrid, (representing SGA), Ing. Daniel Philco (AIME, Coordinator 2014 course in Quito), Dr Jorge Grandi (Director de la Oficina Regional de Ciencia para América Latina y el Caribe, Oficina de UNESCO en Montevideo)


Programa de ediciones anteriores del Curso
Quito 1999, Quito 2001, Quito 2002, Quito 2003, Mendoza 2004, Lima 2005, Antofagasta 2006,
Mexico 2007, La Paz 2008, Belo Horizonte 2009, Concepción 2010, Bogotá 2011, Lima 2012, Quito 2014

[Página central del Curso Latinoamericano de Metalogenia UNESCO-SEG-SGA]    [Mineral Resources and Geofluids]