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Mineral Resources and Geofluids

Introduction to Ore Microscopy


Prof. Lluís Fontboté



The introductory short course on ore microscopy "MICROSCOPIE DES MINERAUX OPAQUES" is held yearly at the University of Geneva and offered to students of several Swiss Universities. We have put in the web microphotographs of typical polished sections used in the course. You can access these photographs in different ways:

1. Listed by mineral groups: systematic.
2. Listed according a table used in the course to learn to recognize the main properties for determination of opaque minerals in reflected light microscopy.
3. Listed according the number of the microphotographs slides. This list contains also descriptions, and localities.

Other related links in Geneva:

Recommended abbreviations of the most important ore and gangue minerals.
You can search the formula, reference, type locality and data of any mineral in the Athena mineral database.

Outside Geneva:

We recommend to visit the excellent site SME Virtual Atlas of Opaque and Ore Minerals in their Association by Ixer and Duller as well as the interactive site "anatomy of the microscope" at the Florida State University.


[Mineral Resources and Geofluids]  [Ore microscopy]  [Systematic]  [Properties]  [Slides]  [Abbreviations]  [Search for formula at Athena]

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