
Jun 22, 2016, 11:00 AM
Prof. Tobias Kippenberg, EPFL, Salle de séminaire de Pinchat. Developments at EPFL will be reviewed, and results using silicon nitride photonic chip based resonators and ultra high Q crystalline MgF2 resonators presented. In particular low noise broadband comb operation will be discussed, their use in coherent telecommunications for terabit/second coherent data communication and the extension of these Kerr frequency combs to the mid-IR. Moreover the formation of dissipative temporal solitons discovered in microresonators will be discussed.
May 26, 2016, 2:15 PM
24th Journée du GAP, Jeudi 26 mai 2016. Université de Genève, L’Ecole de Physique, Le Grand Auditoire, 24, Quai Ernest-Ansermet, Genève
Apr 28, 2016, 11:00 AM
Bob Boyd Colloquium, Grand Amphitheatre, Ecole de Physique, 24 Quai Ansermat, 1205 Genève
Apr 5, 2016, 5:00 PM
Thiago Guerreiro Thesis Defence, Pinchat, Seminar Room