February 2019

NEWSLETTER - Research Services





New SNSF encouragment tool : SPIRIT

SNSF launched its new instrument of encouragement on February 1st, 2019: SPIRIT (Swiss Program for the international projects of the teams of scientific research).

SPIRIT favors the international scientific collaboration and widens the possibilities of SNSF regarding cooperation in certain countries. Their selection bases on the list of the beneficiaries of public aid in the development established by the Committee of development aid of the OECD.

At any time, project drafts can be submitted as assessments are carried out throughout the year. The aim is to fund cross-border research for excellence, giving researchers full latitude in choosing their themes. Equal opportunities and the promotion of women and the training of young researchers are at the forefront of this approach.

Researchers can apply for between 50,000 and 500,000 francs for a two- to four-year project. Each year, the SNSF will fund only twelve projects in total, making the selection process very competitive.

PS: EU Member States, countries associated with the EU’s 8th Framework Programme, and countries with which the NSF already runs separate bilateral programmes are not eligible as partner countries. 

Guidelines for H2020 collaborative projects submissions

A preliminary version of our new “H2020 Collaborative Projects Submission Guidelines for UNIGE researchers” is now available. The document provides a compelling overview of all administrative, contractual, ethical/data and financial key points.

Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal

"Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal"  is the new single entry point for finding and managing European grants. It replaces the Participant Portal with improved functionalities and a new graphic design.
You can access your account with the same ID and password used for the Participant Portal. Link


Support and funding opportunities for Innovation projects are now available on the website of Research Services.


40 new COST Actions were approved for funding, providing a networking opportunity to the scientific community. Researchers in Switzerland interested in participating in one of these COST Actions should contact the SNSF at COST@snf.ch.

Digital infrastructure


In order to adapt to the digitization of society in progress, a significant part of the budget of the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation « Horizon 2020 » for the period 2018-2020 is allocated to digitilization - about 6 billion euros:

Guide to ICT-related research in H2020 (European Commission)
Specific page dedicated to "Digitilization" (Research Service)
Information for submitting H2020 projects to UNIGE (Research Services)

More news

FNS Newsletter
SEFRI Newsletter
Euresearch Newsletter



Ideal-ist ICT NCP Network organise Full Proposal Check events where your coordinator of ICT proposals can get personal feedbacks from experienced evaluators on their ICT proposal.
These events will take place in Brussels (27 Feb), Oslo (28 Feb) and, at a smaller scale, in Zurich (8 March).
Registration (for mature proposals only)
Deadline is February 15th, 2019

Startup OLÉ

This free tech event connects Startups, spin-offs and innovative SMEs with investors, corporates, public institutions, embassies, accelerators, universities and media..
From March 26th to March 28th 2019 in Salamanca (SP)

More events




1st call of the SNS Eccellenza Professorial Fellowships 2018

The first edition of the Eccellenza program award from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has allocated 51 grants, including 37 Eccellenza Professorial Fellowships and 14 Eccellenza Grants grants. For UNIGE, six candidates received about 1.7 million each for five years for Professorial Fellowships. 3 grants were awarded in the Social Sciences and Humanities, 3 others in Medicine, which represents 16% of the total allocated by the SNSF and 75% of the UNIGE candidates selected in phase 2. Out of the 6 grants obtained half were given to women.
It is :
Dr. Evie Vergauwe, Psychology Section, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
Dr. Perrine Castets, Department of Physiology and Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Miriam Stoeber, Department of Physiology and Metabolism, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Sami El-Boustani, Department of Fundamental Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Florian Cova, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts
Dr. Claudio Calosi, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts

Congratulations to the grantees!

ERC Synergy Grants 2018

These grants are part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the most prestigious grants because of its size and high requirements for research excellence. Two new fellowships were awarded to researchers from the University of Geneva.
* Prof. Daphne Bavelier for her project Brain Play (The self-teaching brain), for FAPSE, Section of Psychology.
* Prof. Marcos Marino Beiras for his project ReNewQuantum (recursive and exact new quantum theory), for the Faculty of Science, Mathematics Section/ Department of Theoretical Physics.

Congratulations to the grantees!



QuantERA: Call 2019

QuantERA offers funding to international research projects in quantum technology. It has launched a call for pre-proposals and proposals.
Submission deadline: Feburary 18th, 2019


NORFACE is launching the call “Democratic governance in a turbulent age (Governance)”. Researchers from Switzerland who are interested in collaborating within the scope of international consortia can submit pre-proposals.
Submission deadline: February 19th, 2019

NRP 77

NRP 77 will investigate the interrelationships and concrete effects of digital transformation in Switzerland. The research programme consists of the following three modules:
• Education, learning and digital change
• Ethics, trustworthiness and governance
• Digital economy and the labour market
The programme will operate with an overall funding of CHF 30 million for a research duration of 5 years.
Interested researchers can submit project outlines.
Submission deadline: February 25th, 2019

Summer 2019 Student Fellowship Program Princeton

EUROCOMPLEX: Regime Complexes and European Studies in Interdisciplinary Perspective.
Submission deadline: February 25th, 2019


Fellowships are designed for doctoral students who wish to enhance their scientific profile by working at a research institution abroad.
Submission deadline: March 1st and September 1st, 2019

Early Postdoc.Mobility

The fellowships enable postdocs starting their career to spend a postdoc research stay abroad. In principle, these fellowships are awarded for 18 months, in justified cases for at least 12 months.
Submission deadline: March 1st and September 1st, 2019

Doc.CH (SSH)

The Doc.CH grants in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) are awarded by the SNSF to promising researchers who wish to write a dissertation in the humanities and social sciences in Switzerland on a topic of their own choice.
Submission deadline : March 10th and September 10th, 2019


the NEURON Network has launched a joint transnational call for projects on 'Translational Biomarkers in Brain Disorders'.
Submission deadline : March 11th, 2019

Joint call with South Korea

In the context of the bilateral programmes initiated by the federal government, the SNSF and the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Korea are issuing a call for research projects.
Submission deadline: March 14th, 2019

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships 2019

The programme "JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships" enables researchers in Switzerland to stay in Japan for 12 to 24 months.
Submission deadline: April 1st, 2019

Project funding

Under the project funding scheme, qualified researchers define their research themes and objectives themselves and conduct their project under their own responsibility.
Submission deadline: April 1st, 2019


The RISE scheme promotes international and inter-sectoral collaboration through staff exchanges of all categories.
Submission deadline: April 2nd, 2019

BRIDGE Discovery

Innsuisse and the SNSF are launching the third call for proposals for the funding scheme BRIDGE Discovery.
Submission deadline: April 8th,2019


New call for FreeNovation, the funding program of the Novartis Research Foundation. The topic this year is: Systems medicine: From molecule to phenotype and better therapies.
Submission deadline: April 14th, 2019

ERC Proof of Concept

ERC Proof of Concept Grant can help you to develop a commercial solution or an application from a financed ERC project.
Submission deadlines: April 25th, 2019, September 19th, 2019
Contact Euresearch for more details.

Research Equipment (R’Equip)

R'Equip SNSF award aimed for the acquisition and development of large-scale apparatuses in all areas of science.
Submission deadline: May 15th, 2019

Brazilian-Swiss Joint Research Programme

The SNSF, the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP) are issuing a call for Joint Research Projects (JRPs).
Submission deadline: May 17th, 2019


Postdoc.Mobility fellowships support postdocs who wish to conduct a research stay abroad.
Submission deadline: 1st February and 1st August 2019

ERC Advanced

ERC Advanced Grants are individual grants for experience researchers. The next call will open on 21 May 2019 (expected date).
Submission deadline: August 29th, 2019
For the Letter of Commitment of the Host Institution required for all ERC applications, please inform Euresearch one month before submission deadline at the latest.


COST funds pan-European, multi- and interdisciplinary, bottom-up networks of researchers across all science and technology fields. COST does not fund research itself, but provides support for networking activities carried out within COST Actions.
Next call for projet funding (Swiss COST project) should open in Feb/March with a submission deadline in April/May.
Submission deadline: September 5th, 2019

ERC Starting

ERC Starting Grants provide funding to top researchers at the beginning of their research career (2 to 7 years after the PhD). The next call will open in July 2019 (expected date).For the Letter of Commitment of the Host Institution required for all ERC applications, please inform us one month before submission deadline at the latest
Submission deadline (expected): October 2019 - last ERC Starting call for H2020

ERC Synergy

ERC Synergy Grants have been developed in order to bring together complementary skills, knowledge and resources from 2-4 excellent researchers with the goal of jointly addressing research problems. Each project can be up to a maximum of € 10 million for a period of 6 years. Additional budget can be requested under specific circumstances.
Expected submission deadline : November 2019 – last ERC Synergy call for H2020

ERC Consolidator

ERC Consolidator Grants provide funding to top researchers (7 to 12 years after the PhD). The next call will open in October 2019 (expected date).For the Letter of Commitment of the Host Institution required for all ERC applications, please inform us one month before submission deadline at the latest.
Submission deadline (expected): February 2020 - last ERC Consolidator call for H2020

More calls

Research Services



Dr Laure Ognois-Zaugg,
Director Research Services

Dr Alex Waehry,
Head European and international research support − Euresearch

Dr Eliane Abou Mansour,
Head National and regional support ad-interim

SNSF Research commission at UNIGE

Research Services website