
Dr. Carolina Labbé
University of Geneva

Campus Biotech
9, Chemin des Mines
Case Postale 60
1211 Genève 20

Carolina Labbé specialized in cognitive and affective psychology at University of Geneva where she first worked on the individual differences in emotion regulation according to empathy style under the supervision of Prof. Kaiser.

She later joined the NEAD laboratory where she focused on music research and conducted her PhD on entrainment as a psychological mechanism of emotion induction under the direction of Prof. Grandjean.

Since then she has continued working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences in the NEAD and later the Multimodal Modelling of Emotion & Feeling laboratory with Prof. Rudrauf on the use of virtual reality for the induction of emotions.

She is currently working on a collaborative project to find biomarkers of mood disorders using EEG between the University of Geneva and the Paris West University Nanterre La Défense in Prof. Isel's MoDyCo laboratory.