Daniel Stoecklin
Stoecklin, Daniel is Associate Professor in Sociology, at Centre for Children’s Rights Studies of the University of Geneva (Switzerland). His areas of research and teaching are the sociology of childhood, children’s rights, children in street situations, participation and the capability approach. He also works with the International Institute for the Rights of the Child (Switzerland) on a programme regarding information and training on children’s rights in China. While a student, he has completed his Master degree with a documentary research at Fudan University, Shanghai, on China’s population policy. This was followed by fieldwork for his PhD on street children in China. He been involved with several international NGO projects in the field of children in difficult situations, as an independent expert for the Council of Europe regarding children’s participation, and as external expert for several administrations in Switzerland. Among his recent publications:
Stoecklin, D. & Bonvin, J.-M. (2014). Children’s Rights and the Capability Approach. Challenges and Prospects. Children’s Well-Being: Indicators and Research 8. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer.
Aptekar, L., Stoecklin, D. (2014). Street Children and Homeless Youth: a Cross-Cultural Perspective. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer.