Karl Hanson
Programme Director
Karl Hanson is Professor in Public Law at the University of Geneva in Switzerland and the Deputy Director of the University of Geneva’s newly established Centre for Children's Rights Studies.
He obtained his doctorate in Law from Ghent University, Belgium, where he worked as a Researcher at the Children’s Rights Centre and as a Senior Researcher at the Human Rights Centre.
His publications and main research interests are in the emerging field of interdisciplinary children’s rights studies and include theorizations on children’s rights and childhood studies, child labour and working children, juvenile justice and the role of independent national children’s rights institutions.
He is an editor of the journal Childhood. He teaches at the University of Geneva in the Master interdisciplinaire en droits de l’enfant (MIDE). He is also the Programme Director of the Master of Advanced Studies in Children's Rights (MCR) and chairs the Directive Committee of the Children’s Rights European Academic Network.