AI for art history, art history of AI


 08-09-2023 14:15 - 15:45 GMT+1 ||  Recording



  • Leonardo ImpettUniversity of Cambridge

  • Pascal Griener, Université de Neuchatel


Leonardo Impett

Dr Leonardo Impett is a University Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities and convenor of the MPhil in Digital Humanities. He was previously Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Durham University. Leonardo has a background in information engineering and machine learning, having worked or studied at the Cambridge Machine Learning Lab, the Cambridge Computer Lab’s Rainbow Group, and Microsoft Research Cairo. His Ph.D., with Sabine Süsstrunk and Franco Moretti at EPFL, was on the use of computer vision for the “distant reading” of the history of art. In 2018 Leonardo was a DH fellow at Villa I Tatti – the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, from 2018-2020 he was Scientific Assistant, then Scientist, at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome. Alongside his research in digital art history, he frequently works with machine learning in arts and culture, including for the Liverpool Biennial, the Royal Opera House, and the Whitney Museum of American Art.

Leo is interested in supervising doctoral projects in the following areas: computational and quantitative approaches to art and cultural history; critical computer vision, critical AI studies; historical/critical/cultural studies of training dataset and neural architectures; AI in image generation, contemporary art, and curation.



Pascal Griener

Fellow, Baring Foundation, 1991; Guest scholar, Trinity College, University of Oxford (1992-1997); President of the International Committee for the History of Art, Switzerland 1996-2005; Trustee, German Centre for the History of Art, Paris, 1998-2007; Visiting Scholar, Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, Malibu, CA 1991; Visiting Scholar, Smithsonian Institution, Washington 1998; Trustee, Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte 1995-2000; Scientific Committee, Swiss Institute of Rome, 2000-2019; member of the European Academy of Sciences since 2004; Visiting Professor at EHESS, Paris, 2000; Collège de France, Paris, 2004; Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, 2006; Lipsius Visiting professor, Leiden University, 2014; visiting professor, Institute for Advanced Study, University of Strasbourg, 2015; Chaire du Musée du Louvre [Louvre Chair], 2017; Visiting professor, Musée Rodin, Paris, 2019-20; elected Slade Professor of the History of Art, University of Cambridge for the year 2023. Professor at the University of Neuchâtel until 31 January 2022.

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