

Research and CV


Preprints and submitted papers


·      Continuous cocycles on Furstenberg boundaries (with Alessio Savini). In preparation.

·      Integrality of volumes and Toledo invariants for representations of complex hyperbolic lattices (with Sofia Amontova). In preparation.

·      Alternating cochains on Furstenberg boundaries and measurable cohomology (with Alessio Savini). arXiv.2306.17294

·      Kernels in measurable cohomology for transitive actions (with Alessio Savini). arXiv.2308.13335

·      Some explicit cocycles on the Furstenberg boundary for products of isometries of hyperbolic spaces and SL(3,K) (with Alessio Savini). arXiv.2209.10331


Published papers


·      Trivial cup products in bounded cohomology of the free group via aligned chains (with Sofia Amontova). Forum Math. 34 (2022), no. 4, 933—943.

·      Integrality of volumes of representations (with Marc Burger and Alessandra Iozzi). Math. Ann. 381 (2021), no. 1-2, 209–242.

·      The simplicial volume of mapping tori of 3-manifolds (with Christoforos Neofytidis). Math. Ann. 376, 1429–1447 (2020). arXiv1812.10726

·      Surface bundles over surfaces: new inequalities between signature, simplicial volume and Euler characteristic (with Caterina Campagnolo). Geom. Dedicata 213 (2020), 107-119. arXiv1605.03226

·      The bounded Borel class and complex representations of 3-manifold groups (with Marc Burger and Alessandra Iozzi). Duke Math. J., 167 (17) 2018, 3129--3169.

·      The bounded cohomology of SL2 over local fields and S-integers (with Nicolas Monod). Int. Math. Res. Not. IMN 2019, no. 6, 601--1611. arXiv1609.05013

·      Vanishing simplicial volume for certain affine manifolds (with Chris Connell and Jean-Francois Lafont). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 146 (2018), no. 3, 1287--1294. arXiv1610.00832

·      The cup product of Brooks quasimorphisms (with Nicolas Monod). Forum Math. 30 (2018), no. 5, 1157--1162.

·      A note on semi-conjugacy for circle actions (with Roberto Frigerio and Tobias Hartnick). L'Ens. Math. Vol. 62 (2016), 317--360. arXiv1410.8350

·      Minimal exponential growth rates of metabelian Baumslag-Solitar groups and Lamplighter groups (with Alexey Talambutsa), Groups Geom. Dyn. 11 (2017), no. 1, 189--209. arXiv1209.4071

·      A quantitative version of a theorem by Jungreis (with Roberto Frigerio and Cristina Pagliantini), Geom. Dedicata 187 No 1 (2017), 199-218. arXiv1503.03837

·      Exponential growth rates of free and amalgamated products (with Alexey Talambutsa), Israel Journal of Mathematics 212 (2016) 521-546. arXiv1209.4071

·      The simplicial volume of 3-manifolds with boundary (with Roberto Frigerio and Cristina Pagliantini), J. Topology (2015) 8 (2) 457--475. arXiv1208.0545

·      Isometric properties of relative bounded cohomology (with Marc Burger, Roberto Frigerio, Alessandra Iozzi, Cristina Pagliantini and Maria Beatrice Pozzetti), J. Topol. Anal. 6 (2014), no. 1, 1--25. arXiv1205.1022

·      Proportionality principle for the simplicial volume of families of Q-rank 1 locally symmetric spaces (with Inkang Kim and Sungwoon Kim), Math. Zeitschrift 276 (2014), 153—172.

·      Milnor-Wood inequalities for products (with Tsachik Gelander), Algebraic and Geometric Topology 13 (2013), 1733--1742. arXiv1201.0332

·      A dual interpretation of the Gromov-Thurston proof of Mostow Rigidity and Volume Rigidity (with Marc Burger and Alessandra Iozzi), Trends in Harmonic Analysis, Indam-Springer Series 3, Springer-Verlag Italia 2013. arXiv1205.1018

·      The norm of the Euler class (with Nicolas Monod), Math. Annalen 353 No 2 (2012), 523--544. arXiv1009.2316

·      The generalized Chern conjecture for manifolds that are locally a product of surfaces (with Tsachik Gelander), Advances in Math. 228 (2011) 1503--1542. arXiv.0902.1215  

·      Simplicial volume of products and fiber bundles, to appear in the Proceedings of the workshop on Discrete groups and geometric structures, with applications III (Kortrijk 2008), in the AMS Contempory Mathematics book series. pdf

·      On minimal triangulations of products of convex polygons. Discrete Comput. Geom 41, Issue 2 (2009), 328--347. pdf

·      Milnor-Wood inequalities for manifolds locally isometric to a product of hyperbolic planes (with Tsachik Gelander). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 346 (2008), no. 11-12, 661-666.

·      The simplicial volume of closed manifolds covered by H2xH2, J. Topology 1 (2008), no. 3, 584-602. pdf

·      The proportionality constant for the simplicial volume of locally symmetric spaces, Colloq. Math. 111 No 2 (2008), 183-198. pdf

·      Volumes of ideal simplices in Hilbert's geometry and symmetric spaces (with Anders Karlsson), in Guido's book of conjectures, I. Chatterji (ed.). L'Enseignement Mathematique (2008), 53-55.

·      Finiteness properties of characteristic classes of flat bundles, L'Enseignement Mathematique 53 (2007), 33-66. pdf

·      Simplicial volume of locally symmetric spaces covered by SL(3,R)/SO(3), Geom. Dedicata 125 No 1 (2007), 203-224. pdf

·      On the definition of bolic spaces (with Anders Karlsson). Expo. Math 20 (2002), no.3, 269-277. ps

·      Free products with amalgamation, and HNN-extensions of uniformly exponential growth (with Pierre de la Harpe). (Russian) Mat. Zametki 67 (2000), no.6, 811-815; translation in Math. Notes 67 (2000), no.5-6, 686-689. ps


·      Ph.D. Thesis "Characteristic classes and bounded cohomology", advisor Marc Burger, ETHZ Zurich.

·      Diploma Thesis "Croissance de groupes et produits libres avec amalgamation", advisor Pierre de la Harpe, University of Geneva.