Workshop 1: Categorizations and "mixed flows"

Location: Uni Dufour 364


  • What explains the emergence and political use of different categorizations of migrants into "refugees", "asylum-seekers", "economic migrants", "climate refugees", "disaster displaced persons", etc.?
  • How the actual migration/refugees governance system addresses the new categories of migrants? What protection tools have been developed to go beyond the binary categorization "refugees/non-refugees"? What tools are still needed?
  • How do innovative approaches get institutionalized – at which levels of governance, through which modes of governance (soft –vs- hard law, public –vs- private)
  • How do new categories of people in need of protection challenge the Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees?


Speakers (please click on the speaker to read the bio)

- Karen Akoka, Institut des sciences sociales du politique / CNRS
- Jeff Crisp, University of Oxford
- Vicki Squire, University of Warwick
- Vincent Chetail, Graduate Institute, Geneva
- Michele Cavinato, UNHCR
- Pia Oberoi, Advisor on Migration and Human Rights OHCHR
- Martin Wagner, ICMPD 
- Jihan Kahssay, Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, Ludwig-Maximilian University
- Alice Anderson-Gough, Danish Refugee Council

Moderator: Matteo Gianni, University of Geneva
