Workshop 4: Gender, international migration and protection

Location: Uni Dufour 362


  • Which are the main challenges in migration and refugee policy from a gender / LGBTI perspective?
  • How far have local, national, regional and international policies and initiative taken into account gender- and LGBTI-sensitive aspects?
  • How are gender and LGBTI-sensitive aspects developed and institutionalized at different levels of governance?


Speakers (please click on the speaker to read the bio):

- Marlou Schrover, Leiden University
- Joanna Regulska, UC Davis
- Brian Soucek, UC Davis
- Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, University College London
- Gloria Moreno Fontes, ILO
- Andrea Milan, UN Women
- Anne Arvy, Projet "asile LGBT Genève"
- Livio Zilli, International Commission of Jurists

Moderator: Rahel Kunz, University of Lausanne
