Workshop 8: The role of knowledge in refugee and migration policy

Uni Dufour 362


  • How is knowledge produced and used in migration policy?
  • What are the main gaps in international migration statistics?
  • How do statistics affect public policy?
  • How is/should big data be used?
  • How do policy-makers make sense of migration data?
  • Which indicators exist / should be created to assess progress on the Sustainable Development Goals?


Speakers (please click on the speaker to read the bio):

- Stephan Scheel, London University
- Nando Sigona, University of Birmingham
- Ann Singleton, University of Bristol
- Ibrahim Awad, American University in Cairo
- Christina Boswell, Edinburgh University
- Machiel Salomons, UNHCR
- Natalia Popova, ILO
- Marie McAuliffe, Head of Research, IOM
- Julia Blocher, United Nations University
- Justin Ginnetti, IDMC Geneva
- Philippe Rekacewicz,
- Gilles Dubochet, consultant

Moderator: Doris Schopper, University of Geneva
