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Behavioral Perspectives on B Corps - new publication by Giuseppe Ugazio


The values driving entrepreneurs are evolving from shareholder wealth maximization towards a more holistic approach wherein business impacts on all stakeholders are considered.

To meet this cultural change, demanding a balance of profit and ethics, novel entities, such as B Corps have emerged in the private sector.

In a new study, GFRI’s Professor Giuseppe Ugazio, and his co-authors Maria Cristiana Tudor, Ursa Bernardic, and Nina M. Sooter, suggest that B Corps are in an ideal position to meet the emerging needs of consumers, employees, and communities. These, with their more holistic, stakeholder-conscious paradigm; more collaborative, purposeful, and healthy work environments; sustainable options for consumers; and practices and mindsets that favor sustainability and social responsibility.


This new analysis is part of the International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law, which was recently published and is co-edited by Henry Peter, Carlos Vargas Vasserot, and Jaime Alcalde Silva.


For the paper >

The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law is available here >


Jan 13, 2023

News and Insights