In case of emergency, contact: Police: 117 | Medical emergencies: 144 | Internal security: 12 22 | Psychiatric emergencies: 022 372 38 62
Sexism? Not our style.
And if that's not the case, you can talk to us about it.
Target or witness of harassment at the University, or supervisor of someone involved, find the right support!
Here, discrimination is not tolerated.
And if that's not the case, you can talk to us about it.
Target or witness of discrimination at the University, or supervisor of someone involved, find the right support!
Here, we can share the same table without sharing the same opinion.
And if that's not the case, you can talk to us about it.
Target or witness of conflicts at the University, or supervisor of someone involved, find the right support!
Here, we strive for a University without violence.
And if that's not the case, you can talk to us about it.
Target or witness of violence at the University, or supervisor of someone involved, find the right support!
The University of Geneva prohibit any discrimination based on, among other things, sex, ethnic or social origin, genetic characteristics, religious beliefs, political opinions, membership in a national minority, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity, both in fulfilling the tasks of teaching and research and in the relationships within the academic community. Particular consideration and safeguarding shall be granted to individuals in a position of vulnerability.