News and Insights

The GEMFIN Team represents the University of Geneva in the Swiss semi finals of the global CFA Research Challenge

Our GEMFIN students Dita Jaja, Sibo Kwakwa, Qinqing Li , Yaru Shan, and Emmanuel Tandu Taku, represented the University of Geneva in the Swiss semi-finals of the global CFA Research Challenge.


As part of this intensive competition, the Geneva team wrote an equity research report on the publicly traded company Belimo, and presented their findings and recommendation to a panel of experts that included directors of research, chief strategists, and CIOs from Credit Suisse, Bank Safra Sarasin and more.


The team members were mentored by Christian Mannoni from Bank Safra Sarasin Geneva and participated in Prof. Norman Schürhoff's course at UNIL.  


To learn more about the Geneva Master of Advanced Studies in Finance (GEMFIN) program >

Feb 16, 2023

News and Insights