
Gaia DR2 Geneva Event

Gaia will has released its 2nd data release (DR2) on April 25, 2018, at 12:00 CEST. The Gaia DPAC variability consortium  (CU7/DPCG) led by the University of Geneva has contributed in DR2, releasing the light curves, types, and several astrophysical properties of over a half a million variable stars.

An event is was organised at the Department of Astronomy of the University of Geneva, starting in the morning with the live retransmission of the official ESA event, and followed in the afternoon with dedicated presentations of the work done in Geneva. The agenda is the following:




Laurent Eyer


Live transmission of ESA event

Gaia-related presentations:

Günther Hasinger, Director of Science
Anthony Brown on the contents of Gaia DR2
Antonella Vallenari on the science potential of Gaia DR2
Opening of Archive
Q&A at press event




12h30-14h15 Lunch at Red Cross building  


Official speeches

Stéphane Paltani, CDCI PI;

Stéphane Udry, Department Head; 

Jérôme Lacour, Dean Faculty of Sciences

14h25-14h45 Gaia as a variability machine Laurent Eyer


Story of variability clockwork-machinery

Krzysztof Nienartowicz


Gaia DR2 machinery revealed Berry Holl
16h00-16h15 Closing remarks Laurent Eyer
16h15- Apéro  

Below are pictures taken during the Gaia DR2 event. Credit: Marc Audard.

Venue Location
To get a detailed interactive view please follow the link to obtain information about the Parking and the location of the Ecogia facilities .
Information about the Gaia launch status Transport
From the Geneva main train station
  • By train & on foot : Catch a Regio train at the Geneva main station for Coppet (departure in general at HH:01 or HH:31). From Pont-Céard (arriving in general at HH:17 or HH:47) go up the road perpendicular to the rails (see the map with walking path). You will reach Ecogia after about 10-15 minutes. From Versoix the trip is a little bit longer to walk (~25 minutes).
  • By bus : Take the “V” bus at the Geneva station (Cornavin) and get out at Ecogia.
  • By taxi : ~ CHF 45.-
  • By car : Take the lake road direction Lausanne for 15km. In the middle of Versoix (at the lights) turn on the left direction Ecogia.
From the Geneva airport
  • By train : Train every 15 min. for the main station (Geneve-Cornavin). Change there and see above.
  • By taxi : ~ CHF 45.-
  • By car : Take the highway direction Lausanne, get out at the first exit “Bellevue/Versoix”, follow the lake way direction Versoix (5 km). In the middle of Versoix (at the lights) turn on the left direction Ecogia.