
Further information

The above search field allows you to find the journals held by the Library of the University of Geneva.

The button « électroniques » select the A-Z list of electronic journals, the button “imprimées” points to the genevan catalog (journals only)

The machine will only search for journal titles, not articles titles or content. For a thematic search, you have to use the databases and reference works.

Applications for new subscriptions - for magazines or online resources - must be sent to the concerned subject librarian.

Essential serials

annals_statistics (Personnalisé).gif

The Annals of Statistics

Cote : SESP 823. En ligne

biometrika (Personnalisé).gif


En ligne

journal_american_statistical_association (Personnalisé).jpg

Journal of the American Statistical Association

En ligne

 journal_royal_statistical_society_series_b_methodological (Personnalisé).png

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B), Methodological

En ligne

 journal_royal_statistical_society_series_b_statistical (Personnalisé).jpg

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B), Statistical methodology

En ligne

Essential databases


Zentralblatt für Mathematik / zbMATH

The most complete bibliography for pure and applied mathematics. More info



Bibliographic database covering the complete literature in mathematics. More info.


Other resources