Postdoctoral Research Associate - ATLAS & Faser Experiments
The Particle Physics Department (DPNC) of the University of Geneva invites applications for a
Postdoctoral Research Associate
position on the ATLAS and FASER Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
The DPNC has made significant contributions to the construction and operation of the ATLAS experiment. It is presently contributing to event reconstruction, trigger and physics analyses, primarily searches for new physics, as well as the HL-LHC upgrade, with activities in the upgrades of the tracker and TDAQ. The DPNC is now also participating to the new FASER experiment and more specifically to the tracking and TDAQ systems. More information on the DPNC activities can be found at
The selected candidate will be involved in both the ATLAS and FASER experiments. On ATLAS, (s)he will work on BSM searches in hadronic final states, such as searches for RPV SUSY particles decaying to many jets. On FASER (s)he will contribute to the development of a new pre-shower detector using monolithic pixels, on simulation, reconstruction or hardware activities. In both experiments the team is involved in the development of new reconstruction or analysis methods, also using machine learning approaches, and the postdoc will be expected to play an important role in bringing forward these pursuits.
We are seeking an outstanding and strongly motivated physicist, who has recently acquired or is about to acquire a PhD degree in experimental particle physics. The candidate is required to have demonstrated the skill to independently pursue high quality research. (S)he is expected to have the ability to work collaboratively, achieve results within deadlines and have excellent communication and presentation skills. While not required, experience with commissioning of detector or trigger systems will be an asset for this position. Experience with machine learning applied to particle physics analyses will also be an asset. Besides research, the selected candidate will also be involved in student supervision and will carry on teaching activities at the Physics Section of the University of Geneva.
Inquiries related to this opening and applications should be sent to Prof. Anna Sfyrla at Applications should be submitted via the following form:
The position is renewed annually, up to three years, with the possibility of further extension under certain conditions. Preference will be given to candidates with less than 3 years postdoctoral experience. Review of the applications will start immediately and continue until the position is filled. To receive full consideration, applications should be sent before 9 January 2021. The position can start as early as April 2022.