
HPC lunch: ask an expert

Get personalized help and advice

Take your sandwich and come to meet us virtually between 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm to ask your questions and discuss the possible issues you have with the use of HPC clusters of UNIGE: Baobab and Yggdrasil (2021). An opportunity to share your experiences with us and other researchers.


The HPC engineers, in charge of developing and maintaining the UNIGE ‘s HPC infrastructure (DiSTIC), and researchers in Computational Science from CUI-SPC, offer their expertise and support to researchers.

This new HPC support formula aims at reinforcing the proximity and collaboration between researchers and engineers. The objective is to deal with the diversity of research fields and the multiple ways of using a computing cluster for research purposes.


Access plan
Boulevard Carl-Vogt 66, 7th floor, room E712

Virtual room:

Mini workshops

Since April 2023, HPC-lunch On-site sessions have started again, we will try to cover a particular topic during these sessions with sample presentations and tutorials that will be available in the gitlab repository.

Let us know if there is a particular topic you would like us to cover.

Gitlab Repository:


> More about the HPC Service

> More about research in Computational Science at UNIGE