

Effortlessly setup a fully functional data science environment

JupyterHub is an online version of the popular Jupyter notebook server that enables researchers, students, and professors to easily integrate programming scripts with text descriptions or visualizations to create captivating data stories. Through JupyterHub, users only need their institution's login and a web browser to access the service and start running code on the university's servers.



Users can log in to their own private workspace on any browser from anywhere, and write code in Python, R, or other scripting languages. All code runs on the university's servers, so local resources are not consumed. Additionally, the working environment can be customized to each user's specific needs, with software libraries and dependencies already installed, so users can start programming right away without worrying about installation and configuration issues. Each workspace also has disk storage allocated, ensuring that any uploaded notebooks or data produced by scripts remain saved between sessions

The solution is offered as a flexible service that can be implemented upon request from a faculty or research group. These groups can customize their instance of JupyterHub, fine-tuning the amount of memory, computing power, or domain-specific software libraries required. If you're interested in proposing your own instance of JupyterHub to meet the needs of your students or researchers, please send us an inquiry email at eresearch(at) We will be happy to work with you to discuss the available options and create a plan that best fits your needs.