Steph's Master Thesis Defense

The first neuro master graduate in the WomCogDev lab! 

On the 27th of January 2023, Stephanie Jeanneret very successfully defended her master's thesis in our lab! Congratulations, Steph! 

Her master's project studied a behavioral phenomenon known as "refreshing," a mechanism by which we can think back to information in working memory. The goal of the study is to "decode" information being maintained in working memory using neuroimaging and machine learning techniques. By combining these methodological approaches, Stephanie and her co-supervisors, Prof. Evie Vergauwe et Dr. Lea Bartsch (UZH), developed a behavioral task allowing them to study refreshing while recording electroencephalographic (EEG) brain data. Although the analyses are still ongoing, they hope to be able to apply such brain decoding methods to investigate presumed behavioral processes in working memory, such as refreshing.


Laboratoire Mémoire de travail, Cognition et Développement 
Université de Genève
Faculté de psychologie et Sciences de l'éducation
Bureau 5158
40 Boulevard Pont d'Arve
1205 Genève
