News & Events

Solari Lecture 2018

In memory of Prof. Luigi Solari, who died prematurely at the age of 45, the Institute of Economics and Econometrics (IEE) of the Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) presents an annual lecture on the field of econometrics.

Prof. Luigi Solari (1932-1977) was the founder of the first Swiss Research Center for Econometrics (1966) within the School of Economics and Social Sciences (Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales SES) of the University of Geneva. Later on, he created the Econometrics Department in this School.

For the 2018 Solari Lecture, the Geneva School of Economics and Management invites Mr. Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, University Distinguished Professor, of the Michigan State University.

Prof. Wooldridge gives a talk on the following topic ‘Regression Adjustment and Doubly Robust Estimators for Experimental and Observational Studies’ on Thursday 15 November 2018 at 6.15 pm at Uni Mail (M S160).

This talk will summarize some recent results on improved efficiency using both linear and nonlinear regression adjustments in the case when when assignment to the control and treatment groups is randomized. It will also cover how propensity score weighting can be combined with regression adjustment to deliver “doubly robust” estimators in the context of observational studies. The talk is based on previous and current research by Professor Wooldridge and his co-authors.

The event is free and open to the public. 

November 15, 2018
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