Welcome to the Graduate Seminar webpage!

The only rule of this seminar is to give a talk about something in Mathematics you think is interesting. It does not have to include a new result and you can speak of anything (i.e. not necessarily your research). Just make sure it can be understood by everyone. The talks are less than an hour long and should be in English.
The goal is to share your passion for Mathematics with other PhD students in a good mood, to learn tips and tricks on how to give a proper talk, and to eat some cake together at the end. =D

This year, the Graduate Seminar will welcome some postdocs as well, with mini-courses over two weeks aiming to present a part of their research field in talks accessible to master students. Join us to finally learn what these people are working on!


Place and time: Wednesday, 4:15PM, room 6-13 (Uni Conseil Général, math dept.).

Organizers: Ausra POGOZELSKYTE and Gaëtan SIMIAN

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