Fate, transformation, and removal efficiency of nanoparticles in water treatment plants

The objective of this project is to investigate the fate and transformation of manufactured nanoparticles through the water treatment systems used for the production of drinking waters. Focus will be made on the coagulation-flocculation processes, adsorption processes on activated carbon filters so as to improve the removal of the nanoparticles and isolate key operational parameters.

  • Funding : SSIGE-FOWA (Société Suisse des Industriels de l’Eau et du Gaz) et SIG (Services Industriels de Genève)
  • UniGe Responsible : Serge Stoll, Lina Marcela Ramirez
  • Partners: Société Suisse des Industriels de l’Eau et du Gaz, Service Industriels de Genève (Stéphan Ramseier, Stéphane Zimmermann, Pauline Perdaems), University of Bordeaux (Prof P. Le Coustumer)