
Open Access Benefits

For the authors

Greater visibility of one's publications leads to a greater number of citations, which in turn increases the impact of one's research and one's personal prestige in the discipline.

It should be noted that publishing in Open Access generally leads to compliance with the requirements of research funding bodies, which may be a condition for receiving further funding.


For the scientific community

The free dissemination of new publications allows access to the scientific community as a whole, anywhere in the world, regardless of the purchasing power of institutions or individuals. This circulation is also more rapid and allows the beneficiaries to develop knowledge with the most recent knowledge, while having the possibility to reuse it in teaching and education.


For Society

The impact of Open Access is felt in a much wider perimeter than the academic world, because the free dissemination of scientific research results allows participants (doctors, lawyers, teachers...) to use these latest discoveries in their daily work, as well as politicians who have to make decisions and define public policies. This is a real return on investment for citizens.
