P. Masci, P. Mallozzi, F.L. De Angelis, G. Di Marzo Serugendo, P. Curzon. Using PVSio-web and SAPERE for rapid prototyping of user interfaces in Integrated Clinical Environment. In Verisure2015, Workshop on Verification and Assurance, co-located with CAV2015, San Francisco, California, USA, 2015.
F. L. De Angelis, G. Di Marzo Serugendo. A spatial language for run-time assessments of spatial properties in self-organizing systems. Workshop on Spatial and Collective Pervasive Computing Systems (SCOPES) at IEEE Int. Conf. on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO), Boston, USA, 2015.
Akla-Esso Tchao, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo. SmartContent: A self-protecting and context-aware active content. 2nd Workshop on Challenges for Achieving Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems (AWARE) at Sixth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO’12), IEEE Computer Society, September 2012.(pdf)
Antonio Coronato, Vincenzo De Florio, Mohamed Bakhouya and Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo. Formal Modeling of Socio-technical Collective Adaptive Systems. First International Workshop on Adaptive Service Ecosystems: Nature and Socially Inspired Solutions (ASENSIS) at Sixth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO’12), IEEE Computer Society, September 2012.(pdf)
Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez, Graeme Stevenson, Akla-Esso Tchao, Juan Ye, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo and Simon Dobson. Analysis of new gradient based aggregation algorithms for data-propagation in distributed networks. First International Workshop on Adaptive Service Ecosystems: Nature and Socially Inspired Solutions (ASENSIS) at Sixth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO’12), IEEE Computer Society, September 2012.(pdf)
Graeme Stevenson, Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez, Sara Montagna, Alberto Rosi, Juan Ye, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Mirko Viroli, Simon Dobson and Akla-Esso Tchao. Towards Situated Awareness in Urban Networks: A Bio-inspired Approach. First International Workshop on Adaptive Service Ecosystems: Nature and Socially Inspired Solutions (ASENSIS) at Sixth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO’12), IEEE Computer Society, September 2012.(pdf)
Sara Montagna, Mirko Viroli, Matteo Risoldi, Danilo Pianini, and Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo. Self-organising pervasive ecosystems: A crowd evacuation example. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE’11), volume 6968 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 115-129. Springer-Verlag, 2011.(pdf)
Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez, Josep Lluis Arcos, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Mirko Viroli, S. Montagna: Description and Composition of Bio-Inspired Design Patterns: The Gradient Case. International Workshop on Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Distributed Systems (BADS’11), 25-32, ACM, June 2011.(pdf)
Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez, Josep Lluis Arcos and Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo: A Decentralized Approach for Detecting Dynamically Changing Diffuse Event Sources in Noisy WSN Environments. European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems. EUMAS 2010.
A. A. Villalba Castro, G. Di Marzo Serugendo, D. Konstantas. Hovering Information - Infrastructure-Free Self-Organising Location-Aware Information Dissemination Service. Second ERCIM Workhop on eMobility in conjunction with WWIC 08, Tampere, Finland, May 2008.(pdf)
G. Di Marzo Serugendo, A. Villalba Castro, D. Konstantas: "Dependable Requirements for Hovering Information", Supplementary Proceedings of the 37th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'07), June 2007.(pdf)
R. Frei, J. Barata, G. Di Marzo Serugendo. "A Complexity Theory Approach to Evolvable Production Systems", In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multi-Agent Robotic Systems (MARS 2007), Peter Sapaty and Joaquim Filipe (Eds), INSTICC Press, pp 44-53, May 2007, Portugal.(pdf)
G. Di Marzo Serugendo, M. Deriaz: "Specification-Carrying Code for Self-Managed Systems". In IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Self-Managed Systems and Services. 2005.(pdf)
G. Di Marzo Serugendo, M. Deriaz: "A Social Semantic Infrastructure for Decentralised Systems Based on Specification-Carrying Code and Trust". In Proceedings of the Socially-Inspired Computing Workshop. pp. 143-152. D. Hales and B. Edmonds (Eds). 2005.(pdf)
N. Foukia and G. Di Marzo Serugendo, "Self-Organizing Architecture for Intrusion Detection and Response Systems" in Proceedings of HP-OVUA 2003 Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2003.(pdf)
G. Di Marzo Serugendo, A. Romanovsky, "Using Exception Handling for Fault-Tolerance in Mobile Coordination-Based Environments", Exception Handling in Object Oriented Systems: towards Emerging Application Areas and New Programming Paradigms Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, July 2003.(pdf)
W. Binder, G. Di Marzo Serugendo, J. Hulaas: "Towards a Secure and Efficient Model for Grid Computing using Mobile Code", In 8th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object Systems: Agent Applications and New Frontiers, June 2002.(pdf)
G. Di Marzo Serugendo, "A Formal Development and Validation Methodology applied to Agent-Based Systems", Infrastructure for Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Scalable Multi-agent Systems, T. Wagner and O. Rana (eds), volume 1887, LNAI, pp. 214-225, Springer-Verlag, 2001.(pdf)
G. Di Marzo Serugendo, P. Jovanovic, P. Vande Vyvre, O. Villalobos Baillie, "Specification and Simulation of ALICE DAQ System", In 6th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments (LEB'00), pp. 419-423. Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, Poland, September 2000.(pdf)
I. J. Bloodworth, G. Di Marzo Serugendo, D. Evans, G. T. Jones, P. Jovanovic, A. Jusko, J. B. Kinson, A. Kirk, V. Lenti, M. Luptak, P. I. Norman, L. Sandor, P. Vande Vyvre and O. Villalobos Baillie, "The ALICE Central Trigger Processor", In 6th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments (LEB'00), pp. 318-322. Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, Poland, September 2000.
G. Di Marzo Serugendo, "A Formal Development and Validation Methodology applied to Agent-Based Systems", Workshop on Infrastructure for Scalable Multi-agent Systems, Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents 2000), June 2000.(pdf)
Julie Vachon, Didier Buchs, Mathieu Buffo, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Brian Randell, Sascha Romanovsky, Robert Stroud and J. Xu, "COALA - A Formal Language for Coordinated Atomic Actions", DeVa Third Year Report, Deliverables: Part 2 (Papers), December 1998, pp. 43-86.(pdf)
G. Di Marzo, M. Muhugusa, C. F. Tschudin, D. Billard, J. Harms, "Communication Messengers as a Basis for Distributed Algorithms", In proceedings of the 2nd European Research Seminar on Advances in Distributed Systems (ERSADS 97), March 1997, Zinal, Switzerland, pp. 111-116.(pdf)
G. Di Marzo, M. Muhugusa, C. F. Tschudin, J. Harms, "The Messenger Paradigm and its Impact on Distributed Systems", Intelligent Computer Communications Workshop, ICC'95, Romania, 1995.(pdf)
M. Muhugusa, G. Di Marzo, C. F. Tschudin, J. Harms, "Distributed Semaphore in a Messenger Environment", In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Decentralized Intelligent and Multi-Agent Systems, Nov. 1995, Krakow, Poland.(pdf)
M. Muhugusa, G. Di Marzo, C. F. Tschudin, J. Harms, "Implementation and Interpretation of Protocols in the ComScript environment", In Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (ICC'95), Seattle, U.S.A, 1995.(pdf)