Designing a sustainable future - 4EU+ ITT Workshop
Together with representatives, stakeholders and experts of different public sectors such as economy, mobility, health, or governance, students and researchers will provide scientifically sound concepts and proposals for designing sustainable solutions to key challenges.
This event targets the Geneva 2050 initiative. Following a large consultation with the public, the Geneva 2050 initiative provided a vision and roadmap for a sustainable Geneva in 2050. Various priority axes emerged, such as Quality of Life, Security or Mobility.
In this workshop, we will focus on:
- Citizenship participation,
- Neighbourhoods in Transition,
- Common Goods,
- Land use planning.
Supported by the Flagship 3 of the 4EU+ university Alliance as part of its Integrative Think Tank (ITT) workshop, gathers researchers from various disciplines and countries to provide scientifically based solutions and idea to these key challenges.
With the participation of Canton Geneva representatives:
- Camille Toussaint, Déléguée Genève 2050, Canton Geneva
- Benjamin Villard, chef de projet, Département du territoire: quartiers en transition
- Frederic Josselin, chef de service, Département du territoire: concertation et participation citoyenne
- Prisca Faure et Eloïse Pelaud cheffes de projet, Départementdu territoire : planification territoriale et aménagement du territoire
- Michael Meier, Secrétaire general Adjoint, Département des finances: les communs
- Facilitator: Gianfranco Moi, Strategic advisor, Digital Forge, Digital Innovation Hub, University of Geneva
Date: Nov 6th to Nov 10th, 2023
Place: Centre Universitaire d’Informatique (CUI), Faclab: 7, rte de Drize, 1227 Carouge (GE)