Harcèlement / Violence / Discrimination / Conflits



This bespoke website created by the Together Consent team serves to inform the TCD community, primarily students, on sexual consent, education and sexual violence prevention. 

The website offers information about consent, positive sexual experiences, supports for survivors of sexual violence, trauma-informed approaches for staff and educational information and training for students, staff and other institutions.


>>> Trinity Consent Website

These videos were created by the Together Consent team, and made by Dublin based animator Keith Kavanagh, and with the support of Trinity Trust. 

These videos offer a new approach to beginning conversations around consent and will be offered to all staff and students in Trinity and are now licensed and available online to anyone who wishes to access them as a resource.  


>>> Watch the videos

This document is an easily accessible resource, aimed primarily at staff but also can be relevant for students.

It educates our community on what trauma is, what a trauma-informed perspective is, and how and when to apply  it to policy, procedure and decision-making processes within 3rd Level Institutions. 

>>> Trauma informed approach handbook (PDF)

This document was created by the Students Union, and is a resource for students who are victims of sexual violence or assault.

It contains information on supports available to students of Trinity, and also local and national supports. It aims to ensure that our students who are victims of sexual violence feel supported, and understand the systems that are in place to help them. 


This guide has been created to support staff and students who may find themselves responding to a victim in the immediate aftermath of an assault occouring. 

This guide has information on which services are available at which times, how to contact Sexual Assault Treatment Units, Rape Crisis Centres etc, and how to seek long term support. 

>>> What do we do now?

Our consent workshops are an interactive 90-minute session which looks at what consent is, how to make sure you have it, and how to navigate sexual encounters with consent in mind.

We do this by helping students to get to grips with the language we use surrounding sex, the pressures and norms surrounding sexual activity, and we also have a look at some scenarios/case studies to get a practical understanding of what all this means.

The Trinity College model of consent workshops is framed through a sex positive lens. This focuses on inclusivity as we strive to make our workshops accessible to all students who attend – regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, disability, or their consumption of drugs and/or alcohol.

The main aim is to get conversation and understanding going about what consent is and to have this as an ongoing topic during students’ time in college and beyond.

These workshops can be run online and in person, and our handbooks are available through an open-access educational usage policy .

Consent Plus is a 90 minute workshop which looks at the basics of sexual consent, first responder training, and bystander intervention. This interactive workshop encourages dialogue to explore the nuance of sexual consent, a conversation which is becoming globally prevalent. 

The workshop provides a space to reflect on our behaviour as well as how we respond to the behaviour of others through understanding the influence of cultural norms on the ways in which we discuss sexual misconduct. The workshop further provides a space to gain the knowledge and skills which will help us to respond not only to disclosures of sexual misconduct, but the ways in which we can intervene to prevent it. 

The aim of this workshop is to provide a sex positive approach to dealing with sexual harassment and assault both within our professional and personal lives.

These workshops can be run online and in person, and our handbooks are available through an open-access educational usage policy. 

First Responder Training aims to equip both staff and students with the knowledge and skills to respond to disclosures of sexual misconduct. 

The training session is approx. one day long covering a wide variety of topics.

First Responders are members of the college community to whom people may disclose incidents of sexual misconduct. It is imperative that first responders are equipped with the skills, confidence and knowledge to respond effectively to disclosures of sexual assault or rape.

These workshops can be run online and in person, and our handbooks are available through an open-access educational usage policy.

This is a national survey of student and staff experiences of sexual violence and harassment in higher education. 

The minister officially opened the surveys on sexual violence and harassment in April 2021.  

The surveys, conducted by the Higher Education Authority (HEA), were sent by higher education institutions (HEIs) directly to all students and staff in higher education.  

The results from the surveys show that over one third of female students in Higher Education in Ireland have experienced non-consesnual penetration in their time in college.  

One-third of staff members who took part said they had experienced sexist remarks. 

More than half (52%) described being treated differently, and 47% reported being put down or condescended to because of gender.


>>> more information

This Framework aims to ensure the creation of an institutional campus culture which is safe, respectful and supportive.

>>> more information



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