Rectorate commissions

Health, Security, Safety Commission

PresidentDr Didier RABOUD, Secretary General
Deputy President : M. Niels DUPONT, director STEPS

University members
M. Pierre-Henri FILIAS, deputy director IS-Adjoint Division des Systèmes d'Information et de Communication
alternate Bruce Colombet
M. Marco GIRANI, director Buildings and Logistics Division
alternate Marco Ferretti
Mme Aude THOREL, director of Human Ressources Division
alternate Vittoria Romano
Prof.  Christoph RENNER, deputy-dean Faculty of Science
Prof. Jérôme LACOUR, Faculty of Science
Mme Sophie FERCHICHI-RIDA, administrator Faculty of Medecine
alternate Nicolas Demaurex et Serge Nef
Prof. Markus MENZ, dean Geneva School of Economics and Management, president du GROUFO
alternate Beatriz IGLESIAS
Madame Jasmine CHAMPENOIS,  Training and Students Division (DIFE)
alternate Jessica Cochard
Monsieur Antoine BOTELLA, representative Office cantonal des bâtiments (OCBA)
Madame Joanna SANCHEZ, representative Association des étudiant.e.x.s en psychologie (ADEPSY)

Security Commission mission

The Commission's mission is to guide the policy of the University of Geneva in order to promote and ensure the protection of the health, safety and security of all members of the community; and to define the means to be implemented to achieve this goal.

 To this end, it :

a) assists faculty administration, University management and the Rectorate in implementing preventive measures relating to health, safety and security;

b) studies all issues relating to the various risks:

    health protection
    fire prevention and protection
    protection against specific risks (ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, chemical and biological hazards, etc.)
    protection against all other risks that could affect the safety of people and property
    emergency preparedness and crisis management.

c) proposes to the rectorate all measures to be taken to ensure the safety of people, the environment and property.

d) discusses issues relating to the safety and security of people and property

e) reviews and validates documents submitted for consultation relating to health, safety and security.