édouard gentaz


Campus Life
Student experience (careers, culture, sports, student life observatory, student associations, Welcome Days); Campus coach programme; Employee experience (careers, Graduate Campus, Welcome Centre); Equality and Diversity Office; Equality delegation; Childcare and foundation for preschool children; Integration Office

After joining the CNRS as a Research Fellow in 1999, Edouard Gentaz was appointed Research Director in 2009. From 2010 to 2012, alongside his research activities, he served as a program manager at the National Research Agency (ANR) in France. In 2012, he joined the University of Geneva as a full professor of developmental psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. There, he established his SMAS laboratory aimed at better understanding sensory-motor, affective, and social skills development in both typical and atypical individuals from birth to adolescence.

His research focuses on the development of socio-emotional skills and learning in various contexts (maternity, family, daycare, school, holiday centre, specialized institutions, and laboratory) among typical and atypical children (with visual impairments, born prematurely, with autism spectrum disorder, or in situations of severe multiple disabilities). His research is valued by professionals and parents through various channels: MOOCs, popular books, professional journals, educational methods, and teaching aids.

Since 2012, he has held a number of collective mandates within his faculty, serving as Chair of the Participatory Council (2013-2016), President of the Psychology Section (2016-2019), and finally Vice-Dean of the Faculty (2022-2024). Edouard Gentaz is also involved at the institutional level, serving as a member of the Equality Delegation (2017-2021) and of the SNSF Research Commission (COREC) (2015-2021). Since 2019, he has also been Director the Jean Piaget Centre. Following his appointment as vice-Rector of the University of Geneva, he assumed office on April 1 2024.

Contact: vr-vivre-ensemble(at)unige.ch

Muriel Solimando
+41 22 379 10 90
Uni Dufour - Office 242
24, rue du Général-Dufour
CH-1211 Geneva 4

Members of the Rectorate are available by appointment only