

The basic teaching is held at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, each year, from April to June. The lectures are given in English. The training is made up of two parts: an intensive 7 weeks of lectures (including field immersion) and 2 weeks of validation, plus a personal dissertation based on a research or on an internship within national or international organizations.

The practical aspect of the training is organized over two weeks dedicated to interdisciplinary field work in regions with a potential risk such as the island of La Palma in Spain (volcanic eruption), flooding and landslide aspects are studied in Switzerland. For this part in the field, applicants must be in a good physical health as they will hike in a volcanic setting, be exposed to gas emissions (e.g. SO2) and walk in the altitude of the Swiss Alps.

The dissertation, which is the result of a personal work showing the aptitude of the candidate to solve a given problem, is to be completed within 8 months following the course. However, a first draft should reach the CERG 6 months after the end of the exams.


General Teaching Program


  1. The program of specialization in the assessment and management of geological and climate related risk is placed under the responsibility of a steering committee.
  2. The study program corresponds to 30 ECTS (European credit transfer and accumulation system) based on 5 modules and associated exams and a personal memoire.

MODULES : 5 thematic modules

  1. Risk Management 
  2. Volcanic Risk 
  3. Seismic Risk 
  4. Terrain Instabilities 
  5. Flood and climate related Risk 



The final project can consist of a comprehensive Mémoire describing a specific geological risk, including data processing and analyses and application of management strategies. You can choose to carry out your project in Switzerland within the month following the CERG-C course using the facilities provided by the University of Geneva (Computer Lab, University Library) and benefiting from the interaction with a supervisor expert in the topic you have chosen. You can also decide to carry out the project in your home country still benefiting from the “remote” supervision of an expert in the field.

The final project can also consist of a project carried out as part of an internship with an NGO, with a National or International organization or with a private institution. The timing and structure of the internship will depend on the specific organization and the specific project. Your personal contribution to the project will have to be described and then confirmed by the head of the project.




Financial support may be offered to participants coming from all countries and territories of low and middle income. However, as the number of grants is limited, we also encourage CERG-C candidates to investigate alternative options in their own countries.



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