La Section

Evénements à venir

  • SéminaireDQMP Seminar - Prof. Michael Hayward - University of Oxford

    26.11.2024 13:15 – 14:45 / Ecole de Physique / Auditoire Stückeberg

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  • Conférence10th MaNEP Winter School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland

    12.01.2025 11:00 – 17.01.2025 16:00 / Saas-Fee, Switzerland

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  • Conférence10th MaNEP Winter School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland

    12.01.2025 11:00 – 17.01.2025 16:00 / Saas-Fee, Switzerland

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  • Conférence10th MaNEP Winter School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland

    12.01.2025 11:00 – 17.01.2025 16:00 / Saas-Fee, Switzerland

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  • Conférence10th MaNEP Winter School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland

    12.01.2025 11:00 – 17.01.2025 16:00 / Saas-Fee, Switzerland

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  • Conférence10th MaNEP Winter School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland

    12.01.2025 11:00 – 17.01.2025 16:00 / Saas-Fee, Switzerland

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  • Conférence10th MaNEP Winter School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland

    12.01.2025 11:00 – 17.01.2025 16:00 / Saas-Fee, Switzerland

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Evénements passés

  • SéminaireSelf-interacting dark matter impact on pulsar timing array observations

    14.06.2024 11:50 – 12:50 / Ecole de Physique / EP234

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  • ColloqueColloque de Physique - Correlated Nanoelectronics and the Second Quantum Revolution - Prof. Jeremy Levy, University of Pittsburgh

    17.06.2024 12:30 – 14:00 / Ecole de Physique / Auditoire Stueckelberg

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  • ColloqueColloque de physique

    17.06.2024 12:30 – 13:30 / Ecole de Physique / Auditoire Stueckelberg

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  • SéminaireDQMP Seminar - Prof. Sara Skrabalak - Indiana University

    18.06.2024 13:15 – 14:45 / Ecole de Physique / Auditoire Stückeberg

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  • SéminaireThe Terahertz Side of Quantum Materials: From Nonequilibrium Control to Deep Sub-Wavelength Spectroscopy

    19.06.2024 14:00 – 15:30 / Datcha / salle de réunion

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  • SéminaireEpitaxial strain and structural engineering of superconductivity in square-planar nickelate thin films

    20.06.2024 11:00 – 12:30 / Ecole de Physique / salle de réunion MaNEP

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  • SéminaireNumerical simulations for cosmology

    21.06.2024 11:50 – 12:50 / Ecole de Physique / EP234

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  • SéminaireExotic 2D Lateral Heterostructures and Optoelectronic Devices

    26.06.2024 14:00 – 15:00 / Ecole de Physique / salle de réunion MaNEP

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  • SéminaireFirst cosmology results from BAO in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)

    28.06.2024 10:00 – 11:00 / Ecole de Physique / Stueckelberg-009

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  • SéminaireCosmology with Photometric SNIa in the LSST Era

    28.06.2024 11:50 – 12:50 / Ecole de Physique / EP234

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  • SéminaireDQMP - Informal Seminar - 04.07.2024 - 14:00 - Prof. Jorge E Hirsch

    04.07.2024 14:00 – 15:00 / Ecole de Physique / Auditoire Stückelberg

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  • SéminaireModel-independent test of modified gravity

    05.07.2024 11:50 – 12:50 / Ecole de Physique / EP234

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  • SéminaireDQMP Seminar - Dr. Inhyeok Choi, Gwangju institute of Science and technology (GIST)

    09.07.2024 13:00 – 14:30 / Ecole de Physique / Auditoire Stückeberg

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  • SéminaireDQMP - Informal Seminar - 19.07.2024 - 11:00 - Carolina de Almeida Marques

    19.07.2024 11:00 – 12:00 / Ecole de Physique / Salle MaNEP

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  • SéminaireDQMP Informal Seminar - Prof. Tristan CREN - Topological defects in a moiré pattern

    23.07.2024 10:30 – 11:30 / Ecole de Physique / Auditoire Stückelberg

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  • SéminaireDQMP Seminar - Prof. Matteo Mitrano Department of Physics, Harvard University - An X-ray view of light-driven quantum materials

    13.08.2024 13:00 – 14:00 / Ecole de Physique / Auditoire Stückeberg

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  • Séminaire2024 Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties (SWM)

    14.08.2024 11:00 – 16.08.2024 16:00 / Les Diablerets, Switzerland

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  • Séminaire2024 Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties (SWM)

    14.08.2024 11:00 – 16.08.2024 16:00 / Les Diablerets, Switzerland

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  • Séminaire2024 Swiss Workshop on Materials with Novel Electronic Properties (SWM)

    14.08.2024 11:00 – 16.08.2024 16:00 / Les Diablerets, Switzerland

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  • ColloqueA city on Mars: can we colonise space, should we colonise space, and have we really thought about it?

    04.09.2024 15:00 – 16:30 / Sciences II / A100

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  • SéminaireExploring the regime of strong gauge-field backreaction during axion inflation

    20.09.2024 11:50 – 12:50 / Ecole de Physique / EP234

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