Welcome to the ALGO group's page of the CS department (University of Geneva).

Our group is interested in all aspects of algorithm design and analysis, with a focus on (temporal) graph theory, distributed algorithms, quantum computing, and computational complexity. If you have similar interests and happen to visit Geneva, feel free to drop by (we offer the coffee)!


Permanent members:
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Arnaud CASTEIGTS (head) Pierre LEONE


PhD students and postdocs:
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Petra WOLF


Parameterized complexity, Temporal graphs, Quantum computing, and Automata theory

Alexandre BERGER

(PhD student)

Complexity and Algorithms applied to video games, Cryptography and Security

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(PhD student)

White-box cryptography

Timothée CORSINI

(PhD student)

Temporal graphs and algorithms

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(PhD student)

Temporal graphs and algorithms

Matteo De Francesco

(PhD student)

Quantum computing, Graph algorithms

Masters and Bachelor students:

- Maxime Lefranc (MSc) - (formal languages)

- Anthony Goldfarb (BSc) - (mobility-related algorithms)

- Louis Gérard (BSc) - (mobility-related algorithms and visualization)



- Email