Courses & Professors




The CTL (30 ECTS) can be completed in one or two semesters. Students take one required course (6 ECTS) and four optional courses (6 ECTS each). 


Required Course 


Autumn Semester 2024/2025


Spring Semester 2025


Students may choose to take two of these courses on comparative methodology, but must indicate on the exam registration form which they take as the "required course" for the CTL.


 Optional Courses


Autumn Semester 2024/2025

Courses in English

Courses in French


Spring Semester 2025

Courses in English

Courses in French

  *Courses indicated with an asterisk are only available to students arriving from other Swiss or foreign universities.


Seminars, Moot Courts

Students arriving from other Swiss or foreign universities may opt to replace two optional modules with a seminar (12 ECTS credits). Anyone wishing to participate in a seminar is required to notify the Student Secretariat (Office 3093) as soon as possible. Acceptance of CTL students is subject to availability; students doing their Master at UNIGE are prioritised. Information regarding the availability can be sought at the Student Secretariat.

Please note that the planning for seminars, competitions and moot courts will be determined by the professors once the registrations have been completed.


Year-long Moot Courts


Autumn Semester 2024/25


Spring Semester 2025


Courses at the Graduate Institute**

+++ Please note: Information on how to sign up to courses at the Graduate Institute will be shared during the CDT/CTL welcome session at the start of the semester +++

Attention! Unlike the previous years, the registration for the Graduate Institute courses will close before the start of the academic year at UNIGE, the deadline being Friday 13 September 2024. Please find further information on the following slides, available here.

NB: For those of you who are not yet familiar with the possibility: CTL students can follow a maximum of 2 courses (12 ECTS credits) at the Graduate Institute free of charge in the framework of their CTL. These courses will count as CTL optional courses.

Two of the optional courses may be completed through cross-registration at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID). CTL students are exceptionally admitted to courses at the Graduate Institute after a minimum of two years of studies. Eligible courses (6 ECTS each)**** may include:


Autumn semester 2024

  • Business and Human Rights: Law, Politics, Policy, Nico Krisch

  • Compliance with International Law: Theories and Mechanisms, Fuad Zarbiyev

  • Diplomatic and Consular Law, Daryna Abbakumova

  • Forced Migration and International Law, Vincent Chetail

  • International Criminal Law, Paola Gaeta

  • International Environmental Law, Anne Saab

  • International Human Rights Law and Armed Conflicts, Helene Tigroudja

  • International Labour Law and the ILO, Jordi Agusti Panareda & Marva Corley-Coulibaly

  • International Law and Geopolitics, Francisco-Jose Quintana

  • International Organisations Law, Nico Krisch

  • International Tax Law & Policy, Alice Pirlot

  • International Trade Law, Jan Bohanes

  • Law without the State, Thomas Schultz

  • Regulating the Internet, Neha Mishra

  • Research Seminar on International Law Theories, Andrea Bianchi ***

  • TradeLab International Economic Law & Development Clinic, Scott Andersen & Colette van der Ven (no online registration)



Spring semester 2025

  • Climate Change Litigation, Anne Saab

  • Global Food Systems from a Legal Perspective, Anne Saab

  • Global Health Law, Gian Luca Burci

  • Global Justice and International Law, Alice Pirlot

  • International Investment Law, Dolores Bentolila, Nathalie Bernasconi & Michele Potesta

  • Law and Development: Creating the Global South, Usha Natarajan

  • Research Seminar on the International Regulation of the Use of Force, Andrea Bianchi ***

  • The Law and Politics of Global Migration Governance, Vincent Chetail

  • The Law and Politics of Outer Space, Michael Byers

  • The Law(s) of Global Governance: Research Seminar, Nico Krisch

  • The Theory and Practice of Treaty Interpretation, Andrea Bianchi ***


 **Admission subject to the case-by-case approval of the course organiser.

 ***Number of CDT/CTL students limited. Please contact Natalia Henczel (natalia.henczel(at)

****All CDT/CTL courses are worth 6 ECTS, even those which are worth 3 or 9 ECTS at the Graduate Institute.


Courses taught in French

CTL students are free to choose up to two courses taught in French. Students who take a majority of courses in French earn the Certificat de Droit Transnational (CDT) instead of the CTL.