Projets soutenus


Projets soutenus par le Rectorat UNIGE

Les projets du Réseau thématique sont regroupés sous trois axes thématiques


A. Complexity and variation in language and its application in medical coding

This project is built around two poles: Complexity, Variation and Frequency in natural languages: The interfaces between linguistic theory, experimental psycholinguistics and computational linguistics and Development of a multiontological categorizer for medical coding. The first pole is basic empirical and theoretical research while the second has an applied orientation. The shared interests of the poles are to better understand the linguistic computation of negation and of non-local dependencies in grammar. Both constitute important challenges in the encoding of medical texts as well as in linguistics, psycholinguistics and computational linguistics.

Complexity, Variation and Frequency in natural languages: The interfaces between linguistic theory, experimental psycholinguistics and computational linguistics

Development of a multiontological categorizer for medical coding


B. Communication et discours

Quatre programmes de recherche sont regroupés au sein de l’axe "Communication et discours". Les usages du langage sont étudiés dans leur rapport constitutif avec des contextes sociaux, culturels et pratiques particuliers. Trois domaines pratiques sont étudiés: celui de la santé, de l’économie et de l’éducation. Les nouvelles pratiques en liaison avec l’essor du numérique sont appréhendées (Internet et réseaux sociaux notamment). Les champs empiriques présentent des enjeux sociaux importants et dans lesquels les processus de communication jouent un rôle structurant, dans la transmission de l’information, dans la constitution de communautés ou dans la fabrication des savoirs.

CLIP-H (Communication Language Internet Project in Health)

Discours et fabrication des savoirs : transmission, transformation et apprentissages

Economics, power, discourse. Building distant reading tools to analyse the language of international organisations

La production des noms et la métropolisation contemporaine


C. Neurosciences cognitives

The Cognitive Neuroscience axis of the Language and Communication projects funded by the University of Geneva will have as overarching theme to identify lower to higher level perceptual and cognitive processes ranging from audition to executive control, in expertise, normal functioning and dysfunction. The complementary and collaborative projects will serve to characterise domains of processing which are enhanced by training in linguistic and non-linguistic domains, and which are disrupted in disorders such as dyslexia, with the goal of gaining a better understanding of transferable benefits, both in the context of expertise-induced enhanced performance and in the context of repair and intervention strategies for dyslexia.

Cognitive bases and repair of Dyslexia

Language and cognitive skills : a unique perspective from expert population