Modern English Literature (16th - 18th Centuries)


Lukas Erne has supervised or currently supervises PhD theses on a variety of subjects:


'Shakespeare Alterations of the Exclusion Crisis, 1678-82: Politics, Rape, and Authorship' (Emma Depledge, completed)

'Shakespeare on the German Wanderbühne in the Seventeenth Century: Romio und Julieta and Der Bestrafte Brudermord' (Kareen Seidler, completed)

'The Materiality of Early Modern Writing' (Susanna Gebhardt, completed)

'Satirizing Love in Shakespeare's "Lyric Phase"' (John McGee, completed)

'Shakespeare and Turn-taking' (Oliver Morgan, completed)

'Religious Toleration in Early Modern English Drama' (Kilian Schindler, co-supervision, University of Fribourg, completed)

'Reconfiguring Early Modern English Poetry in the Editorial Tradition: Shakespeare, Donne, Herbert, and Milton' (Aleida Auld, completed)

'Playing for Profit: Staging Self-interest in Early Modern England' (Lucie Alden, member of dissertation committee, University of Virginia, completed)

'"The Play's the Thing"?: Underspecification in Shakespearean Drama' (Emily Smith, completed)

'Shakespeare in Russia: Censorship and Editorial Policies from the 1780s to the 1950s' (Azamat Rakhimov, in progress)

'Satanic Epistemologies from Marlowe to Milton' (Mark Darcy, in progress)

 'Early Tudor Humanism in Shakespeare's Tragicomedies' (Georgia Fulton, in progress)


He is willing to assess proposals from prospective PhD students working on early modern English literature. For further information, click here.


He has also supervised a number of MA theses in early modern English literature. Select titles of recent theses are:


‘Genre and Characterisation in Four Eponymous Plays by Shakespeare: Othello, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet and Antony and Cleopatra

‘Make-Belief in Restoration Comedies’

‘Vagabonds and Vagabond Beggars in Early Modern English Literature’

‘A Critical Edition of Tom Tyler and His Wife

‘The Mirror in Shakespeare’s Richard II and Richard III and Beckett’s Happy Days and Film'

‘The Dramatic Power of Music in Shakespeare’

‘The Construction of George Herbert’s Authorship'

‘“So down they sat”: Acts of Accommodation in Milton’s Paradise Lost

‘Stylistic Masking in Shakespeare’

‘Dramatic Use of Music in Shakespeare: Much Ado about Nothing, Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Tempest

‘Flagitious Crimes in Doctor Faustus: Illegal Witchcraft in the A-text of Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus (1604) and Eight Witchcraft Trial Pamphlets (1566-1589)’

''The Stranger in Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice, Henry V, Othello, and The Tempest''

'The Play-As-Dream Metaphor in Shakespeare'; 'Negotiating Power in Shakespeare's Sonnets 1-126'

'Shakespeare Adaptations: From Source to Page to Stage to Film'; 'Bad and Good Women in Bad and Good Quartos: Female Characters in Shakespeare's Multiple-Text Tragedies'

'Dramatizing History in Shakespeare's Second Tetralogy'

'Representations of Persia in Early Modern England'

'Words and Witches: Language and Witchcraft in Elizabethan and Jacobean Dramatic and Religious Texts'


For further information about the Geneva MA,click here.