Al Salah, D.M.M., Laffite, A., Sivalingam, P., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Occurrence of toxic metals and their selective pressure for antibiotic-resistant clinically relevant bacteria and antibiotic-resistant genes in river receiving systems under tropical conditions

Environmental science and pollution research international (2022) 29, 20530-20541


Atibu E K, Ph Arpagaus, C K Mulaji, P T Mpiana, J Pote, J-L Loizeau, F P Carvalho

High environmental radioactivity in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Eastern

Democratic Republic of the Congo, minerals (2022) 12, 1278 : doi 10.3390/min12101278


Banze wa Mutombo, A., Atibu, E.K., Mbuya wa Mutombo, J., Kalonda, E.M., Bakatula, E.N., Kanda, V.N., Koy, R.K., Mulaji, C.K., Carvalho, F.P., et Pote-Wembonyama, J. Contamination by heavy metals from mining activities: An ecological impact assessment of Mura and Kimpulande Rivers, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Watershed ecology and the environment (2022) v. 4, p. 148-157


Mavakala, B.K., Sivalingam, P., Laffite, A., Mulaji, C.K., Giuliani, G., Mpiana, P.T., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.
Evaluation of heavy metal content and potential ecological risks in soil samples from wild solid waste dumpsites in developing country under tropical conditions
Wang, T., Marle, P., Slaveykova, V., Schirmer, K., and Liu, W.
Comparative study of the sensitivity of two freshwater gastropods, Lymnaea stagnalis and Planorbarius corneus, to silver nanoparticles: bioaccumulation and toxicity
Worms, I., and Slaveykova, V.
Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation Coupled to ICP-MS for Characterization of Trace Metal Species in the Environment from Macromolecular to Nano-Assemblage Forms
Worms, I., Kavanagh, K., Moulin, E., Regier, N., and Slaveykova, V.
Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation Methods for Quantitative Determination and Size Characterization of Thiols and for Mercury Size Speciation Analysis in Organic Matter-Rich Natural Waters

Delapierre, A, Ballesteros Canovas, JA., Buzzi Marcos, J, Slaveykova, V, and Stoffel, M

Trees as sentinels of metallic pollution induced by mining along the Odiel River (Southern Iberian Peninsula)

Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica (2021) v. 47, no. 2, p. 371-390


Gfeller, L., Weber, A., Worms, I., Slaveykova, V., and Mestrot, A.

Mercury mobility, colloid formation and methylation in a polluted Fluvisol as affected by manure application and flooding–draining cycle

Biogeosciences (2021) v. 18, no. 11, p. 3445-3465


Ngweme, G.N., Al Salah, D.M.M., Laffite, A., Sivalingam, P., Grandjean, D., Konde, J.N., Mulaji, C.K., Breider, F., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Occurrence of organic micropollutants and human health risk assessment based on consumption of Amaranthus viridis, Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Science of the Total Environment (2021), v. 754, no. 142175


Ngweme, G.N., Konde, J.N.N., Laffite, A., Kiyombo, G.M., Mulaji, C.K., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Contamination Levels of Toxic Metals in Marketed Vegetable (Amaranthus Viridis) at Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Food Science and Nutrition (2021), v. 7, no. 087


Tshibanda, J.B., Malumba, A.M., Mpiana, P.T., Mulaji, C.K., Otamonga, J.-P., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Influence of watershed on the accumulation of heavy metals in sediments of urban rivers under tropical conditions: Case of N’djili and Lukaya rivers in Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo

Watershed ecology and the environment (2021), v. 3, p. 30-37


Al Salah, D.M.M., Ngweme, G.N., Laffite, A., Otamonga, J.-P., Mulaji, C., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Hospital wastewaters: A reservoir and source of clinically relevant bacteria and antibiotic resistant genes dissemination in urban river under tropical conditions

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (2020) v. 200, no. 110767


Laffite, A., Al Salah, D.M.M., Slaveykova, V., Otamonga, J.-P., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Impact of anthropogenic activities on the occurrence and distribution of toxic metals, extending-spectra β-lactamases and carbapenem resistance in sub-Saharan African urban rivers

Science of the Total Environment (2020) v. 727, p. 138129


Liu, W., Worms, I., and Slaveykova, V.

Interaction of silver nanoparticles with antioxidant enzymes

Environmental Science (2020) Nano, p. 1-11


Liu, W., Majumdar, S., Li, W., Keller, A.A., and Slaveykova, V.

Metabolomics for early detection of stress in freshwater alga Poterioochromonas malhamensis exposed to silver nanoparticles

Scientific Reports (2020) v. 10, no. 20563


Mata, H.K., Al Salah, D.M.M., Ngweme, G.N., Konde, J.N., Mulaji, C.K., Kiyombo, G.M., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Toxic metal concentration and ecotoxicity test of sediments from dense populated areas of Congo River, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology (2020) v. 2, p. 83-90


Ngweme, G.N., Atibu, E.K., Al Salah, D.M.M., Muanamoki, P.M., Kiyombo, G.M., Mulaji, C.K., Otamonga, J.-P., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Heavy metal concentration in irrigation water, soil and dietary risk assessment of Amaranthus viridis grown in peri-urban areas in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Watershed Ecology and the Environment (2020) v. 2, p. 16-24


Sivalingam, P., Al Salah, D.M.M., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Sediment Heavy Metal Contents, Ostracod Toxicity and Risk Assessment in Tropical Freshwater Lakes, Tamil Nadu, India

Soil and Sediment Contamination (2020) v. 30, p. 231


Stoffel, M., Slaveykova, V., Corona, C., and Ballesteros Canovas, J.A.

When scientists become detectives: investigating systematic tree poisoning in a protected cove

Heliyon (2020) v. 6, no. 2, p. e03386


Suami, R.B., Sivalingam, P., Al Salah, D.M.M., Grandjean, D., Mulaji, C.K., Mpiana, P.T., Breider, F., Otamonga, J.-P., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants contamination in river, estuary, and marine sediments from Atlantic Coast of Democratic Republic of the Congo

Environmental Science and Pollution Research Int. (2020) 27(16), 20000-20013



Al Salah, D.M.M., Laffite, A., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Occurrence of Bacterial Markers and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Sub-Saharan Rivers Receiving Animal Farm Wastewaters

Scientific Reports (2019) v. 9, no. 14847


Beauvais-Flueck, R., Slaveykova, V., and Cosio, C.

Comparative study of Cu uptake and early transcriptome responses in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the macrophyte Elodea nuttallii

Environmental Pollution (2019) v. 250, p. 331-337


Dublet, G., Worms, I., Frutschi, M., Brown, A., Zünd, G.C., Bartova, B., Slaveykova, V., and Bernier-Latmani, R.

Colloidal Size and Redox State of Uranium Species in the Porewater of a Pristine Mountain Wetland

Environmental Science & Technology (2019) v. 53, no. 16, p. 9361-9369


Kayembe, J.M., Bokwokwo, M.I., Sivalingam, P., Ngelinkoto, P., Otamonga, J.-P., Mulaji, C.K., Mubedi, J.I., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Effect of untreated urban effluents on the accumulation of toxic metals in river sediments under tropical conditions: Funa River, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Water and Environment Journal (2019), 34, 180-188


Laffite, A., Al Salah, D.M.M., Slaveykova, V., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Prevalence of β-Lactam and Sulfonamide Resistance Genes in a Freshwater Reservoir, Lake Brêt, Switzerland

Exposure and Health (2019), 12, 187-197


Mata, H.K., Sivalingam, P., Konde, J., Otamonga, J.-P., Niane, B., Mulaji, C.K., Kiyombo, G., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Concentration of toxic metals and potential risk assessment in edible fishes from Congo River in urbanized area of Kinshasa, DR Congo

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (2019), 26(6) 1676-1692


Niane, B., Devarajan, N., Pote-Wembonyama, J., et Moritz, R.

Quantification and characterization of mercury resistant bacteria in sediments contaminated by artisanal small-scale gold mining activities, Kedougou region, Senegal

Journal of Geochemical Exploration (2019) v. 205, p. 106353


Saad MM, Michalet S, Fossou R, Putnik-Delić M, Crèvecoeur M, Meyer J, de Malézieux C, Hopfgartner G, Maksimović I, Perret X

Loss of NifQ Leads to Accumulation of Porphyrins and Altered Metal-Homeostasis in Nitrogen-Fixing Symbioses

Mol Plant Microbe Interact (2019) 208-216


Suami, R.B., Al Salah, D.M.M., Kabala, C.D., Otamonga, J.-P., Mulaji, C.K., Mpiana, J., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Assessment of metal concentrations in oysters and shrimp from Atlantic Coast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Heliyon (2019) v. 5, no. 12, p. e03049


Worms, I., Chmiel, H.E., Traber, J., Tofield-Pasche, N., and Slaveykova, V.

Dissolved Organic Matter and Associated Trace Metal Dynamics from River to Lake, Under Ice-Covered and Ice-Free Conditions

Environmental Science & Technology (2019) v. 53, no. 24, p. 14134-14143



Atibu, E.K., Lacroix, P.M.A., Sivalingam, P., Ray, N., Giuliani, G., Mulaji, C.K., Otamonga, J.-P., Mpiana, P.T., Slaveykova, V., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

High contamination in the areas surrounding abandoned mines and mining activities: An impact assessment of the Dilala, Luilu and Mpingiri Rivers, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Chemosphere (2018) v. 191, p. 1008-1020


Bravo, A.G., Zopfi, J., Buck, M., Xu, J., Bertilsson, S., Schaefer, J.K., Pote-Wembonyama, J., et Cosio, C.

Geobacteraceae are important members of mercury-methylating microbial communities of sediments impacted by waste water releases

ISME Journal (2018) 12, 802-812


Hug Peter, D., Sardy, S., Diaz Rodriguez, J., Castella, E., and Slaveykova, V.

Modeling whole body trace metal concentrations in aquatic invertebrate communities: A trait-based approach

Environmental Pollution (2018) v. 233, p. 419-428


Kayembe, J.M., Periyasamy, S., Diz Salgado, C., Maliani, J., Ngelinkoto, P., Otamonga, J.-P., Mulaji, C.K., Mubedi, J.I., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Assessment of water quality and time accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments of tropical urban rivers: Case of Bumbu River and Kokolo Canal, Kinshasa City, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Journal of African Earth Sciences (2018) v. 147, p. 536-543


Suami, R.B., Periyasamy, S., Kabala, C.D., Otamonga, J.-P., Mulaji, C.K., Mpiana, P.T., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Concentration of heavy metals in edible fishes from Atlantic Coast of Muanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2018) v. 73, p. 1-9



Kilunga, P.I., Periyasamy, S., Laffite, A., Grandjean, D., Mulaji, C.K., de Alencastro, L.F., Mpiana, P.T., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Accumulation of toxic metals and organic micro-pollutants in sediments from tropical urban rivers, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Chemosphere (2017) v. 179, p. 37-48


Gascón Díez E, J P Corella, T Adatte, F Thevenon, J-L Loizeau

High-resolution reconstruction of the 20th century history of trace metals, major elements, and organic matter in sediments in a contaminated area of Lake Geneva, Switzerland

Appl Geochem (2017) 78 : 1-11, doi :10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.12.007.


Loizeau J-L, S Makri, P Arpagaus, B Ferrari, C Casado-Martinez, T Benejam, P Marchand

Micropolluants métalliques et organiques dans les sédiments superficiels du Léman

Rapp. Comm. int. prot eaux Léman contre pollut., (2017) Campagne 2016, 143-198


Hug Peter, D., Castella, E., and Slaveykova, V.

Lateral and longitudinal patterns of water physico-chemistry and trace metal distribution and partitioning in a large river floodplain

Science of the total environment (2017) v. 587-588, p. 248-257


Nienie, A.B., Periyasamy, S., Laffite, A., Ngelinkoto, P., Otamonga, J.-P., Matand, A., Mulaji, C.K., Mubedi, J.I., Mpiana, P.T., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Seasonal variability of water quality by physicochemical indexes and traceable metals in suburban area in Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo

International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2017) v. 5, no. 2, p. 158-165



Adler, A., Devarajan, N., Wildi, W., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Metal Distribution and Characterization of Cultivable Lead-Resistant Bacteria in Shooting Range Soils

Soil & sediment contamination (2016) v. 25, no. 4, p. 378-394


Atibu, E.K., Devarajan, N., Laffite, A., Giuliani, G., Salumu, J.A., Muteb, R.C., Mulaji, C.K., Otamonga, J.-P., Elongo, V., Mpiana, P.T., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Assessment of trace metal and rare earth elements contamination inrivers around abandoned and active mine areas. The case ofLubumbashi River and Tshamilemba Canal, Katanga, DemocraticRepublic of the Congo

Chemie der Erde (2016) v. 76, no. 3, p. 353-362


Cheloni, G., Marti, E., and Slaveykova, V.

Interactive effects of copper oxide nanoparticles and light to green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Aquatic toxicology (2016) v. 170, p. 120-128

Jimenez-Lamana, J., and Slaveykova, V.

Silver nanoparticle behaviour in lake water depends on their surface coating

Science of the total environment (2016) v. 573, p. 946-953


Kilunga, P.I., Kayembe, J.M., Laffite, A., Thevenon, F., Devarajan, N., Mulaji, C.K., Mubedi, J.I., Yav, Z.G., Otamonga, J.-P., Mpiana, P.T., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

The impact of hospital and urban wastewaters on the bacteriological contamination of the water resources in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Journal of environmental science and health, Part A (2016) Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering, p. 1-9


Laffite, A., Kilunga, P.I., Kayembe, J.M., Devarajan, N., Mulaji, C.K., Giuliani, G., Slaveykova, V., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Hospital Effluents Are One of Several Sources of Metal, Antibiotic Resistance Genes, and Bacterial Markers Disseminated in Sub-Saharan Urban Rivers

Frontiers in microbiology (2016) v. 7, 1128


Mavakala, B.K., Le Faucheur, S., Mulaji, C.K., Laffite, A., Devarajan, N., Biey, E.M., Giuliani, G., Otamonga, J.-P., Kabatusuila, P., Mpiana, P.T., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Leachates draining from controlled municipal solid waste landfill: Detailed geochemical characterization and toxicity tests

Waste management (2016) v. 55, p. 238-248


Sørensen, S.N., Engelbrekt, C., Lützhøft, H.-C.H., Jiménez-Lamana, J., Noori, J.S., Alatraktchi, F.A., Delgado, C.G., Slaveykova, V., and Baun, A.

A Multimethod Approach for Investigating Algal Toxicity of Platinum Nanoparticles

Environmental science & technology (2016) v. 50, no. 19, p. 10635–10643



Michalet S, Saad M, Muminovic A, Perret X & Hopfgartner G

Porphyrins identified as unusual markers for alterd symbiotic N2-fixation betwee legumes & rhizobia

42nd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2015)



Norman, L., Worms, I., Angles, E., Bowie, A.R., Mancuso Nichols, C., Ninh Pham, A., Slaveykova, V., Townsend, A.T., T. David, W., and Hassler, C.

The role of bacterial and algal exopolymeric substances in iron chemistry

Marine chemistry (2015) v. 173, p. 148-161


Regier, N., Cosio, C., Von Moos, N.R., and Slaveykova, V.

Effects of copper-oxide nanoparticles, dissolved copper and ultraviolet radiation on copper bioaccumulation, photosynthesis and oxidative stress in the aquatic macrophyte Elodea nuttallii

Chemosphere (2015) v. 128, p. 56-61


Worms, I., Slaveykova, V., and Wilkinson, K.J.

Lead Bioavailability to Freshwater Microalgae in the Presence of Dissolved Organic Matter: Contrasting Effect of Model Humic Substances and Marsh Water Fractions Obtained by Ultrafiltration

Aquatic geochemistry (2015) v. 21, no. 2-4, p. 217-230


Worms, I., Adenmatten, D., Miéville, P., Traber, J., and Slaveykova, V.

Photo-transformation of pedogenic humic acid and consequences for Cd(II), Cu(II) and Pb(II) speciation and bioavailability to green microalga

Chemosphere (2015) v. 138, p. 908-915



Cheloni, G., Cosio, C., and Slaveykova, V.

Antagonistic and synergistic effects of light irradiation on the effects of copper on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Aquatic toxicology (2014) v. 155, p. 275-282


Hug Peter, D., Castella, E., and Slaveykova, V.

Effects of a reservoir flushing on trace metal partitioning, speciation and benthic invertebrates in the floodplain

Environmental science: Processes & impacts (2014) v. 16, no. 12, p. 2692-2702


Mwanamoki, P.M., Devarajan, N., Thevenon, F., Atibu, E.K., Tshibanda, J.B., Ngelinkoto, P., Mpiana, P.T., Prabakar, K., Mubedi, J.I., Kabele, C.G., Wildi, W., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Assessment of pathogenic bacteria in water and sediment from a water reservoir under tropical conditions (Lake Ma Vallée), Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo

Environmental monitoring and assessment (2014) v. 186, no. 10, p. 6821-6830


Mwanamoki, P.M., Devarajan, N., Thevenon, F., Niane, B., de Alencastro, L.F., Grandjean, D., Mpiana, P.T., Prabakar, K., Mubedi, J.I., Kabele, C.G., Wildi, W., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Trace metals and persistent organic pollutants in sediments from river-reservoir systems in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Spatial distribution and potential ecotoxicological effects

Chemosphere (2014) v. 111, p. 485-492


Niane, B., Moritz, R., Guedron, S., Ngom, P.M., Pfeifer, H.R., Mall, I., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Effect of recent artisanal small-scale gold mining on the contamination of surface river sediment: Case of Gambia River, Kedougou region, southeastern Senegal

Journal of geochemical exploration (2014) v. 144, p. 517-527


Ngelinkoto, P., Thevenon, F., Devarajan, N., Niane, B., Maliani, J., Buluku, A., Musibono, D., Mubedi, J.I., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Trace metal pollution in aquatic sediments and some fish species from the Kwilu-Ngongo River, Democratic Republic of Congo (Bas-Congo)

Toxicological and environmental chemistry (2014) 96(1), 48-57


Tshibanda, J.B., Devarajan, N., Birane, N., Mwanamoki, P.M., Atibu, E.K., Mpiana, P.T., Prabakar, K., Mubedi Ilunga, J., Wildi, W., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Microbiological and physicochemical characterization of water and sediment of an urban river: N'Djili River, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Sustainability of water quality and ecology (2014) v. 3-4, p. 47-54



Atibu, E.K., Devarajan, N., Thevenon, F., Mwanamoki, P.M., Tshibanda, J.B., Mpiana, P.T., Prabakar, K., Mubedi, J.I., Wildi, W., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Concentration of metals in surface water and sediment of Luilu and Musonoie Rivers, Kolwezi-Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo

Applied geochemistry (2013) v. 39, p. 26-32


Knoppe S, Michalet S & Bürgi T

Stabilization of Thiolate-Protected Gold Clusters Against Thermal Inversion: Diastereomeric Au38(SCH2CH2Ph)24-2x(R-BINAS)x

J Phys Chem C 117 (2013) 15354-15361


Mubedi, J.I., Devarajan, N., Le Faucheur, S., Mputu, J.K., Atibu, E.K., Sivalingam, P., Prabakar, K., Mpiana, P.T., Wildi, W., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

Effects of untreated hospital effluents on the accumulation of toxic metals in sediments of receiving system under tropical conditions: Case of South India and Democratic Republic of Congo

Chemosphere (2013) v. 93, no. 6, p. 1070-1076


Thevenon, F., Alencastro, L.F. de, Loizeau, J.-L., Adatte, T., Grandjean, D., Wildi, W., et Pote-Wembonyama, J.

A high-resolution historical sediment record of nutrients, trace elements and organochlorines (DDT and PCB) deposition in a drinking water reservoir (Lake Brêt, Switzerland) points at local and regional pollutant sources

Chemosphere (2013) v. 90, no. 9, p. 2444-2452


Thevenon, F., Wirth, S.B., Fujak, M., Pote-Wembonyama, J., et Girardclos, S.

Human impact on the transport of terrigenous and anthropogenic elements to peri-alpine lakes (Switzerland) over the last decades

Aquatic sciences (2013) v. 75, no. 3, p. 413-424


Slaveykova, V., Pinheiro, J.P., Floriani, M., and Garcia, M.

Interactions of core–shell quantum dots with metal resistant bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans: Consequences for Cu and Pb removal

Journal of hazardous materials (2013) v. 261, p. 123-129


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Favreau P, Menin L, Michalet S, Perret F, Cheneval O, Stocklin M, Bulet P & Stocklin R

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