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Publication 41  

  1. Modular Asymmetric Synthesis of Aigialomycin D, a Kinase-Inhibitory Scaffold
    S. Barluenga, P.-Y. Dakas, Y. Ferandin, L. Meijer, N. Winssinger
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 3951-3954

On solid ground: Despite no obvious resemblance to adenosine analogues, the family of resorcyclic macrolides contains a high proportion of kinase and ATPase inhibitors. A solid-phase total synthesis of aigialomycin D extends the diversity of this class of natural product. Aigialomycin was found to inhibit CDK1/5 and GSK. EOM=ethoxymethyl.

DOI : 10.1002/anie.200600593 

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