
Masterclass Portes ouvertes 2023


Organisational Responsibility & Ethics

Speakers: Prof. Judith Schrempf-Stirling and Dr Jean-Yves Mercier, Executive MBA

This masterclass provides an introduction to the theoretical and practical debates around the role of business in society. First, we will discuss the purpose and need for organisational responsibility and ethics. Then, we will examine the role of business and society and contrast the shareholder and profit-maximising view with the view to maximize stakeholder value and minimize harm. We will conclude the masterclass with a discussion on how to evaluate corporate responsible actions and engagement.


Altruism and goodwill, are these truly enough for a career in philanthropy?

Experts in the realm of philanthropy discuss the need to acquire expertise to be an effective change maker in today’s complex world.

Moderation by Prof. Giuseppe Ugazio, Edmond de Rothschild Foundations Chair in Behavioral Philanthropy and Co-director of the CAS/DAS Strategic and Operational Philanthropy


  • Renate Bucher, President of Le Cercle de la Philanthropie, 2022 alumna of the DAS in Strategic and Operational in Philanthropy
  • Christopher Courth, Global Head of Philanthropy Services, Pictet Wealth Management , lecturer in the CAS in Strategic Philanthropy, and Anthony Gao, Head of Philanthropy Services Asia, Pictet Wealth Management
  • Dr Tanya Murphy, member of the Executive Committee of Giving Women, lecturer in the CAS in Strategic Philanthropy

Children's rights and the business sector

Speakers: Prof. Karl Hanson, Dr Roberta Ruggiero, Simon Nehme, Children's Rights Academy

The aim of this masterclass is to explore the critical role of the business sector in relation to children’s rights.


La santé publique: pour qui, pourquoi?

Intervenant-es: Dre Verena Carrara et Dr Mathias Waelli, MAS Santé publique

Améliorer la santé des populations, voilà le but de la santé publique. Mais qui fait de la santé publique? Et pourquoi?

Depuis quelques années, le profil des candidat-es aux formations en santé publique change. Dans un contexte de transformation des besoins (vieillissement des populations, renforcement des situations de chronicité, augmentation des coûts) et de tension dans les organisations du travail, de nombreux professionnel-les de santé souhaitent développer des approches plus globales dans les soins, reposant à la fois sur la prévention, la promotion de la santé, et la meilleure prise en compte d’aspects psycho-sociaux et économiques sur la santé.

À travers les témoignages des participant-es au MAS en Santé publique, venez découvrir les différentes facettes de la santé publique et les perspectives de carrière qu’elle peut vous offrir.