Do you need to carry out research into English literature? These pages give you an overview of the Library resources and services at your disposal. Any questions? Do not hesitate to contact us in the reading-room at Uni Bastions (level -1) or by e-mail.


Course reserves - Books and ebooks

BA - Writing Lab

List of books on the seminar shelf in the reading-room.

Top picks

Most online resources are only accessible through the UNIGE IT network or off-site by using VPN.


OED: a very comprehensive English-English dictionary

Definitions, etymologies, quotations and pronunciations of words of current and past use. When relevant, entries in the OED link to articles in the Dictionary of Old English (DOE) and/or the Middle English Dictionary.


MLAIB: an essential online bibliography

With ABELL (see below), one of the two key bibliographies in English studies, from medieval times to the present, to find quality critical scholarship (references of books, articles, dissertations) on literature, linguistics, literary theory, film, television, theatre, rhetoric and folklore.


ABELL: the other key online tool to help you locate books and journal articles

As the MLAIB (above) this is a key bibliography for English studies, with a similar coverage.


A-Z list of all online journals we subscribe to

To access full text journal articles online. If you have a specific journal title in mind, this is where you should check first.


JSTOR: journal article portal with articles (mostly) in full text

With Project Muse (see below), one of the two key journal archives you can use to access full text journal articles on social sciences and the humanities. It brings together several thousand titles searchable from a single interface. When you need to carry out a subject search, this is an essential tool.


Project Muse: another recommended portal for journal articles

A very useful complement to JSTOR. Please note you need to be a member of the UNIGE community to be able to access it. You first need to register with the BGE using this online form (procedure only needs to be done once, ISIs connexion necessary)