
Vendredi 30 septembre 2022: Monsieur Anthony Olmo

Monsieur Anthony Olmo soutiendra, en vue de l'obtention du grade de docteur en droit, sa thèse intitulée:

« Mainstreaming the European Convention of Human Rights. A tool to earn subsidiarity »

Vendredi 30 septembre 2022 – 14h15
Salle 3050 - UNI MAIL

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In the framework of the reform process of the European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”) system and on the related debate on the subsidiary nature of the latter, the need to ensure that public action as a whole, and public policies in particular, be adequately ECHR-oriented, so as to guarantee effective protection to ECHR rights at the national level and prevent violations of the ECHR from occurring, has become a central element.

Against this backdrop, the thesis argues that it is possible to identify a discernible trend, within the Council of Europe (“CoE”) framework, towards the emergence of a policy strategy aimed at strengthening the implementation of the ECHR at the national level by providing for the integration of the latter in national policy-making - from its early stages and transversally across policy fields and actors - with a view to facilitating the adoption of ECHR-oriented public policies. It is argued that the advancement of such a policy strategy relies on two main sets of legal bases, and namely selected judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and recommendations adopted by other CoE institutions.

It is also argued, in the present thesis, that such a strategy echoes, to a significant degree, the policy tool that, in the political science domain, goes under the name of ‘mainstreaming’. Following an analysis and a comparison of the strategy emerging from the CoE framework against the latter, it is argued that this emerging strategy can be labelled ‘ECHR-mainstreaming’.

30 septembre 2022