
Daniel Hall (distanciel)

Daniel Hall

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft, Netherlands

Daniel Hall is the lead of the Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction, where they research how to increase innovation in the built environment by investigating how new forms of process, organization, and information can integrate the supply chain of the vertically, horizontally, and longitudinally fragmented construction industry.

The two main research themes are decentralized governance of the built environment and industrialized construction. One recent area of application is exploring solutions to sustainably solve the global housing crisis.

Previously He completed his PhD at Stanford University in Civil and Environmental Engineering, where he worked with the Global Projects Center under the advising of Dr. Raymond E. Levit.

He completed his MS in Civil & Environmental Engineering in Sustainable Design & Construction at Stanford University in 2014 and my BS in Architectural Engineering at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in 2008.
