


Promoting Sustainable Energy Access through the use of geospatial technologies in West Africa

Duration: March 2014 - February 2016

The project has two overall objectives:
· Addressing the existing knowledge and information barriers hindering development in the energy sector in West Africa. 
· Support the policies and plans towards improving access to energy services by identifying gaps and most favourable technologies for improving energy access in the ECOWAS region. 

The specific objectives is to develop a platform through the use of geospatial technology to support policy makers, investors and other stakeholders with tailored information on the energy sector in West Africa.

UNEP region: Africa

UNEP priorities:  Climate Change , Ecosystems Management , Resource Efficiency , Environmental Governance 

GRID unit: Global Change and Vulnerability,Environment Modelling and Geoprocessing 

Project work package leader: Nicolas Ray 

Project members: Andrea De Bono,Yaniss Guigoz,Bruno Chatenoux 

Project partner institution(s): Ministry of Energy , Noveltis , KNUST (the Energy Center, Kwame Nkrumah university) , ECREEE (ECOWAS Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency)