Contact us

Staff of the laboratory of prehistoric archaeology and anthropology

Head of the laboratory

Prof. Besse Marie


Castel Jean-Christophe, chargé de cours

David-Elbiali Mireille, chargée de cours

Desideri Jocelyne, chargée de cours – adj. scientifique

Martin Lucie, chargée de cours

Pernet Lionel, chargé de cours

Steimer Tara, chargée de cours

Honorary professor

Prof. Gallay Alain

Administrative and maintenance staff

Theys Isabelle, secrétaire

Mohammed daoudi, informaticien, Bureau 304, bâtiment des Maraichers A, 022 37(93191)

Fachinotti Elena, bibliothécaire

Doctoral students

Carloni Delia

Derenne Eve

Post-doctoral students

Cousseau Florian

Ryan-Despraz Jessica

Researcher and Teaching assistant

Derenne Eve

Kottas Giorgos

Master students

Bougantouche-Lannelli Nicole

Christinaz Grégory

Fatbardha Hoxha

Kaltrina Igrishta

Lekë Shala

Research assistants

Buard Jean-François

David-Elbiali Mireille

Nicod Pierre-Yves

Piguet Martine

Affiliate academics

Abegg Claudine

Al Qadi Amjad

Battentier Janet

Buard Jean-François

Coulon Jean

Luret Mathieu

Perréard Geneviève

Von Tobel Céline

Viola Stefano