About us

Swiss and international context

The range of continuing education offered in Swiss universities is structured and integrated in accordance with the Bologna Declaration , which aims to introduce a clearer, more comparable system for European degrees.

Awarding ECTS credits for continuing education guarantees that these qualifications are transparent and comparable

Continuing Education programmes in Switzerland lead to the following degrees:

  • the Certificate of Open Studies (COS) comprising at least 6 ECTS credits
  • the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) comprising at least 10 ECTS credits
  • the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) comprising at least 30 ECTS credits
  • the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) comprising at least 60 ECTS credits
  • the Doctorate of Advanced Professional Studies (DAPS) comprising at least 80 ECTS credits


The Swiss higher education system, based on www.swissuniversities.ch. The certifications DAPS and COS are recognized by the Canton of Geneva.